CIRJE Conferences 2001


  • Organizer: 国友直人(東京大学)
  • 2002年2月15日
  • 東京大学経済学部新棟12階 第1共同研究室



座長: 矢島美寛(東京大学経済学部)
14:30-15:10 田中周二(ニッセイ基礎研究所)『年金運用のリスク管理』
15:15-15:55 斉藤都美(東京大学大学院)『損害保険市場の経済分析』
座長: 高橋明彦(東京大学数理科学研究科)
16:00-16:30 国友直人(東京大学経済学部)『リスク尺度と統計的リスク管理法について』
16:35-17:15 縄田和満(東京大学工学部)『自動車事故の統計的分析』

Trio 2001コンファレンス---Issues in Fiscal Adjustment

  • Organizers:
  • 2001年12月13-14日
  • 国際文化会館(東京・六本木)





  • 2001年10月23-24日
  • 東京大学総合研究博物館
  • To Be Included in the Initiatives for "Italy in Japan 2001"

The aim of this project is the diffusion of selected information and qualified opinion on topical subjects in Italian economic and social evolution. The project is a joint initiative of a pool of research Foundations, with a consolidated experience and prestige in Italy within their fields of specialisation. A particular attention has been given to a selection of topics susceptible to arise comparative interest from the point of view of a Japanese counterpart, given the aspects of a common relevance of the problems in both countries. In each session of the seminar two research reports should be presented by the Italian rapporteurs; two Japanese experts would comment and introduce discussion. Financial support for the publication of the papers and the proceedings of the seminar is being applied for.

F. Barca (Ministry of Treasury), S. Bimonte (Siena University), Paolo Calza Bini (IRIDISS-CNR/National Centre of Research on Welfare Systems), Carlo Andrea Bollino (Universita di Perugia and CNEL), Tony Braun (University of Tokyo), Marco Demarie (Agnelli Foundation, Turin), C. Filippini (ISESAO/Institute of Economic and Social Studies for Oriental Asia, L. Bocconi University, Milan), Franzini(Siena University), M. Di Matteo (Siena University), R.Helg (Cattaneo University-LIUC and Centre of Study on Internationalisation Processes (CESPRI), L.Bocconi University, Milan), Nobuhiro Hiwatari (University of Tokyo), Cesare Imbriani (Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"), A. Innocenti (Siena University), Isamu Ito (Saitama University), K. Iwai (University of Tokyo), Sumi Iwamoto (Bunkyo University), Masao Kotani (Ochanomizu University), Hiroko Kudo (Waseda University), Pietro Larizza (President, CNEL(Consiglio Nazionale dell'Economia e del Lavoro)), Yousuke Mamiya(Kyoto University), Franco Mazzei (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli), Yoshiyuki Okamoto (Housei University), U. Pagano (Siena University), P.Piacentini (Fondazione G.Brodolini, Roma), Giuseppe Ponzini (IRIDISS-CNR/National Centre of Research on Welfare Systems), L. F. Punzo (Siena University), G. De Rita (Censis Foundation), G. Roma (Censis Foundation), Kenichi Sakai (Tokyo Keizai University), R Schiattarella (Fondazione G.Brodolini, Roma), S. Trento (Siena University), A. Vercelli (Siena University), Hiroshi Yoshikawa (University of Tokyo), L. Tronti or R. Monducci or A. Dapanizza (ISTAT/ National Institute of Statistic Studies), TBA(Japan)


  • Organizers:
    林文夫 (東京大学)
    有賀健 (京都大学)
    チャールズ・ユウジ・ホリオカ (大阪大学)
  • 2001年9月29日(土)
  • OSIPP 千里エクステンション
    (千里ライフサイエンスセンタービル9階, 大阪・豊中市)


出 席 者
有賀健(京都大学経済研究所), 藤木裕(日本銀行金融研究所), 橋本優子(慶応義塾大学総合政策学部), 林文夫(東京大学経済学部/CIRJE), Charles Yuji Horioka(大阪大学社会経済研究所), 細野薫(名古屋市立大学経済学部), 伊藤隆敏(一橋大学経済研究所), 祝迫得夫(一橋大学経済研究所), 木村武(日本銀行企画室), 黒住卓司(日本銀行企画室), Colin McKenzie(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科), Heather Montgomery(アジア開発銀行研究所), 小川一夫(大阪大学社会経済研究所), 齊藤誠(一橋大学経済学部), 櫻川昌哉(名古屋市立大学経済学部), 櫻川幸恵(名古屋市立大学経済学部), 佐々木百合(明治学院大学経済学部), 下野恵子(名古屋市立大学経済学部付属経済研究所), 新谷元嗣(慶應義塾大学商学部), 塩路悦朗(横浜国立大学経済学部), 田村晶子(法政大学経済学部), 四塚朋子(追手門学院大学経済学部), 平田憲司郎・上田修三・若林緑・山田憲(大阪大学大学院), 大竹文雄(大阪大学社会経済研究所)


(1) 10:00-11:15
討論者: 塩路悦朗(横浜国立大学経済学部)
(2) 11:15-12:30
銀行のバランス・シートと金融政策への反応: ミクロ・データによる貸出経路の検証
討論者: 佐々木百合(明治学院大学経済学部)
昼食 12:30-1:45
(3) 1:45-3:00
討論者: 齊藤誠(一橋大学経済学部)
Coffee Break 3:00-3:15
(4) 3:15-4:30
Is There a Stable Money Demand Function Under the Low Interest Rate Policy? A Panel Data Analysis
Hiroshi Fujiki (Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan), Cheng Hsiao (University of Southern California), and Yan Shen (University of Southern California)
討論者: Colin McKenzie (大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科)
(5) 4:30-5:45
討論者: 新谷元嗣(慶応義塾大学商学部)
Group Dinner

Japan Project Meeting

  • (with major funding from a grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education and Technology of the Japanese government)
  • Organizers:
    Magnus Blomstrom (Stockholm School of Economics)
    Jennifer Corbett (Oxford University)
    Anil Kashyap (University of Chicago)
  • 2001年9月14-15日
  • スウェーデン大使館

第3回日本経済国際コンファレンスが2001年9月14,15日に,スウェーデン大使館で行われた。これは,当センターが全米経済研究所(NBER), スウェーデンの欧州日本経済研究所(EIJS), イギリスの経済政策研究センター(CEPR)と共催で毎年開催している国際コンファレンスで,直前に起こった同時多発テロにもかかわらず,今年も内外から60人以上の学者,民間エコノミスト,政策担当者が参加した。昼食では,竹中平蔵経済担当大臣がスピーチを行った。また,日本の社会保障制度について,パネル・ディスカッションがもたれた。2日間にわたって8本の論文が発表され,例年どおり活発な議論が交わされた。議論の対象となったトピックは,金融政策,不良債権,日本経済の成長鈍化,人口の高齢化,社会保障の財源問題などであった。


9:00 AM
Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy
Discussant: SERGIO NICOLETTI ALTIMARI, European Central Bank
10:30 AM
Policy Duration Effect under the Zero Interest Rate Policy in 1999-2000: Evidence from Japan's Money Market Data
Discussant: MATTHEW SHAPIRO, University of Michigan and NBER
12:00 AM
Lunchtime Speaker: HEIZO TAKENAKA, Economics Minister of the Japanese Government
1:00 PM
Panel Discussion on the Looming Social Security Crisis in Japan
Chair: CHARLES HORIOKA, Osaka University and NBER
Panelists: TATSUO HATTA, University of Tokyo
MARTEN PALME, Stockholm School of Economics
2:45 PM
RALPH BRYANT, Brookings Institution
WARWICK MCKIBBIN, Australian National University
Incorporating Demographic Change in Multi-Country Macroeconomic Models: Some Preliminary Results
Discussant: FUMIO HAYASHI, University of Tokyo and NBER
4:00 PM
GAVIN CAMERON, Oxford University
The Sun Also Rises: Productivity Convergence between Japan and the USA
Discussant: ARI KOKKO, Stockholm School of Economics
5:00 PM
CHARLES HORIOKA, Osaka University
Are the Japanese Selfish or Altruistic?
5:30 PM


9:00 AM
MASAHARU HANAZAKI, Hitotsubashi University
AKIYOSHI HORIUCHI, University of Tokyo
Can the Financial Restraint Hypothesis Explain Japan's Postwar Experience?
Discussant: JENNIFER CORBETT, Oxford University
10:30 AM
HEATHER MONTGOMERY, The Asian Development Bank Institute
The Effect of the Basel Accord on Bank Portfolios in Japan
Discussant: TBA
12:00 PM
TAKATOSHI ITO, Hitotsubashi University and NBER
KIMIE HARADA, Daito Bunka University
Japan Premium and Stock Prices: Two Mirrors of Japanese Banking Crises
Discussant: KENJI WADA, Keio University
1:00 PM

CIRJE-TCER Conference on Economic Theory

  • (Macroworkshop, Microworkshopと共催)
  • Organizers:
    林 文夫
    神取道宏 (東京大学)
  • 2001年7月24日(火)
  • 東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教室



時間 発表者 報告
10:30-12:00 Dilip Abreu
"Bubbles and Crashes" (with Markus Brunnermeier)
Abstract: We present a model in which an asset bubble can persist despite the presence of rational arbitrageurs. The resilience of the bubble stems from the inability of arbitrageurs to temporarily coordinate their selling strategies. This synchronization problem together with the individual incentive to time the market results in the persistence of bubbles over a substantial period of time. The model provides a natural setting in which public events, by enabling synchronization, can have a disproportionate impact relative to their intrinsic informational content.
13:20-14:50 Rafael Rob
"Vintage Capital, Distortions and Development" (joint with Samuel de Abreu Pessoa)
15:00-16:30 清滝信宏
"Liquidity, Asset Price, and Monetary Policy" (joint with John Moore)
16:50-18:30 Michael Woodford
"A Neo-Wicksellian Framework for the Analysis of Monetary Policy"

アジアの通貨危機III: 危機からの回復
Asian Crisis III: The Crisis and the Recovery

  • (文部科学省特定領域科学研究(B), CIRJE, City University of Hong Kong, University of Washington 共催)
  • Organizers:
    Kar-yiu Wong(University of Washington)
    Richard Y. K. Ho (City University of Hong Kong)
  • 2001年7月17-18日(火・水)
  • 東京大学山上会館

本コンファレンスでは、「アジアの通貨危機III: 危機からの回復」と題して、内外からの経済学者を招き、危機前後の東アジア諸国経済を理論的・実証的に議論した。危機後の東アジア諸国は、インドネシアを例外として、おおむね順調な危機からの回復を遂げてきたが、その回復過程も2001年になって急速に減速している。97年-98年の経済危機はこれらの地域にとってきわめて深刻なものであり、その後遺症は巨額の不良債権などという形で今日でも大きな陰をそれらの国々に残している。また、今後、いつこれらの諸国で同じような危機が発生するとも限らない。本コンファレンスでは、なぜ東アジア諸国で経済危機が発生したか、その再発を防ぐにはどうすればよいかなど、重要なテーマを、経済学のさまざまな観点から内外の著名な学者同士が議論することができ、大変有益であった。

July 17, Tuesday

9:45 - 10:00 am Welcome Session
Kar-yiu Wong, University of Washington
Shin-ichi Fukuda, University of Tokyo
10:00 - 11:30 am Session I: Features of the Crisis
Chair: Kar-yiu Wong, University of Washington

Anil Deolalikar, University of Washington
"What Really Happens to Wage Rates During Financial Crises? The Case of Thailand"
(with Jere R. Behrman, University of Pennsylvania, and Pranee Tinakorn, Thailand Deveolpment Research Institute Foundation)
Discussant: Akira Kohsaka, Osaka University

Fukunari Kimura, Keio University,
"Why Did the Crisis Accelerate Liberalization?: Consequences of Hosting FDI by the ASEAN Member Countries"
Discussant: Henry Wan, Cornell University

Xiang Lin, Sodertorn U College, and Dieter M. Urban, Universita' Bocconni
"Financial Crises in an Economy with High Savings"
(with Pehr-Johan Norback, Research Institute of Industrial Economics)
Discussant: Robert Dekle, University of Southern California
11:45 - 12:15 pm Chair: Shin-ichi Fukudam, University of Tokyo
Takatoshi Ito, Hitotsubashi University and NBER
"Regional Cooperation in Asia: Recent Developments"
1:30 - 3:00 pm Session II: Cross-Country Studies
Chair: Takatoshi Ito, Hitotsubashi University and NBER

Shumpei Takemori and Kenji Wada, Keio University
"Will Japan Lag Behind Korea? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of A Transition to New Economy"
Discussant: Tokuo Iwaisako, Hitotsubashi University

Fred Y. K. Kwan, City University of Hong Kong
"Is the Asian Crisis Anticipatory? Evidence from Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, and Thailand"
(with Ka-fu Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Discussant: Yuri Sasaki, Meijigakuin University

Taimur Baig, International Monetary Fund
"Characterizing Post-crisis Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asian Economies"
Discussant: David G. Dickinson, University of Birmingham
3:15 - 3:45 pm Chair: Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Niigata University
Henry Wan, Cornell University
"The Three Faces of The 1997 Crisis: The Lessons to Learn"
(with Jakrapong Uchupalanun, Thailand Development Research Institute)
3:50 - 5:20 pm Session III: Macroeconomic Shocks and Monetary Systems
Chair: Juro Teranishi, Hitotsubashi University

Marcus Miller, University of Warwick
"Bankruptcy Protection against Macroeconomic Shocks: The Case for a 'Super Chapter 11'"
(with Joseph Stiglitz, World Bank)
Discussant: Makoto Yano, Keio University

Eiji Ogawa, Hitoshubashi University, "The US Dollar in the International Monetary System after the Asian Crisis"
Discussant: Marie-Aimee Tourres, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS-Malaysia)

Yong Cao, Nanyang Technological University
"The Impact of the Mean Change and Volatility of Exchange Rate on the Investment in the Open Economy with Dominating FDI:
Its implication to the Asian Financial Crisis"
Discussant: Hiroshi Fujiki, Bank of Japan

July 18, Wednesday

9:45 - 11:15 am Session V: Recovery of the Asian Economies and Bank Regulations
Chair: Koichi Hamada, Cabinet Office, Japanese Government

Robert Dekle, University of Southern California
"Domestic Bank Regulation and Financial Crises: Theory and Empirical Evidence from East Asia"
(with Kenneth Kletzer, University of California, Santa Cruz)
Discussant: Hiroshi Shibuya, Otaru University of Commerce

Nan-kuang Chen, National Taiwan University
"Collateral Damage and Economic Recovery"
(with Charles Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Discussant: Kazuo Yokokawa, Tohoku University

Sweta Saxena, Pittsburgh University
"Did Output Recover from the Asian Crisis?"
(with Valerie Cerra, International Monetary Fund)
Discussant: Munehisa Kasuya, Bank of Japan
11:30 - 12:00 pm Chair: R. Anton Braun, University of Tokyo

Lawrence Lau, Stanford University
"Lessons from the East Asian Currency Crisis and Recovery"
1:15 - 2:45 pm Session VI: Policy Analysis and Recommendations
Chair: Masahiro Kawai, University of Tokyo

Naoyuki Yoshino, Keio University
"Optimal Exchange rate System---Its Theoretical and Empirical Investigation"
(with S. Kaji and A. Suzuki, Keio University)
Discussant: Hideki Izawa, Kobe University

Juntip Boonprakaikawe and S. Ghosal, University of Warwick
"Bank Runs and Noisy Signals"
Discussant: Kerk Phillips, Brigham Young University

Sayuri Shirai, Keio University
"Designing a Financial Market Structure in a Post-Crisis Asia"
(with Masaru Yoshitomi, ADB Institute)
Discussant: Jeff Chien-fu Lin, National Taiwan University
3:00 - 4:30 pm Session VII: Further Analysis of the Financial Markets
Chair: Naoyuki Yoshino, Keio University

Masahiro Kawai, University of Tokyo
"Determinants of International Commercial Bank Loans to Developing Countries"
(with Li-Gang Liu, ADB Institute)
Discussant: Kunio Saito, International Monetary Fund

Idanna Kaplan-Appio, Federal Reserve Board of New York
"Estimating the Value of Implicit Government Guarantees to Asian Banks"
Discussant: Dieter M. Urban, Universita' Bocconni

Etsuro Shioji, Yokohama National University
"Welfare Implications of the 1995-1998 Yen Depreciation on Asia"
Discussant: Sven Arndt, Claremont McKenna College