The University of Tokyo

ミクロ実証分析ワークショップ 2022
Empirical Micro Research Seminar 2022

  • ※ 特に表記のない限りセミナー発表は英語で行われます。(Unless otherwise mentioned, presentations are in ENGLISH.)


対面とZoomを利用したハイブリッド開催について (In-person and Online Seminars Using Zoom)

本ワークショップは対面とZoom を利用したオンラインでのハイブリッド開催の場合もあります。以下の注意事項を必ずご確認のうえご準備をお願いいたします。

Empirical Micro Research Seminar may be held in-person and online using Zoom. Please read the following instruction for participation.


※ Zoom事前登録 (Zoom Registration)

事前登録が必須となります。 下記よりご登録頂けますと、 ミーティングURLがemailで送付されます。 事前に、ご利用の端末にZoomアプリケーションのインストールをお済ませください。 (Zoomアカウントをお持ちの方は、emailにあるID, パスワードを使ってサインインして頂くことも可能です。)

Registration is required to join a seminar via Zoom. Please register in advance at the following website so that detailed information containing meeting URL will be provided via email. Please make sure to install ZOOM Cloud Meetings (application)on your computer or cell phone in advance. (If you have a Zoom account, sign-up using ID and password included in the email is also available.)

参加までの手順は下記より事前にご確認ください。 For more details, please see the following website.

日本語 ・ English

※ 注意 (Note)

1) 参加者名には、ご自分の氏名をお使い下さい。 Please register your full name when you participate.

2) 登録は初回のみ。すでにご登録されている方は、登録時にご案内済みのミーティングURLまたはミーティングID、パスワードでご入室頂けます。ただし、共催セミナーの場合、URLが変わる場合がありますのでお気をつけください。

Those who already registered previously need not register again. You can join the following meetings with the same meeting URL or the meeting ID as the one you received. Please note that the meeting URL will be changed when the seminar is hosted by another workshop.


※ セミナー中 (During Seminars)

ご自身の音声は、質疑応答時を除き、OFFにしてください。 Please mute your microphone during a speaker's talk except for Q&A session.

音声OFFの手順 (Muting Participants in Zoom)

日本語 ・ English




December 5, 2022 (Monday) 10:30-12:00 ※会場にご注意ください

場所 本ワークショップは、対面での開催となります。

■ 対面会場: 東京大学本郷キャンパス 小島ホール2階小島コンファレンスルーム
in Kojima Conference Room on the 2nd floor of the Kojima Hall

This seminar is held in-person only.

Ken Onishi
"The Decline of Labor Share and New Technology Diffusion: Implications for Markups and Monopsony Power" [Paper]
Abstract We study the mechanism behind the decline in the labor share using highly detailed plant-level data on the cement industry in Japan.
Using information on the production technology in place at each plant, we find that most of the labor share decline can be explained by new technology diffusion (introduction of "New Suspension Preheater kiln").
The labor share stays constant, or even slightly increases, over time within plants of the same technology, whereas the aggregate labor share declines as production shifts to plants with a new and more capital-intensive technology. We also find that the information on plant-level technology is key to rejecting other potential hypotheses and that we would reach a qualitatively different conclusion without this information. To show this, we examine, with and without technology information, two alternative hypotheses; (i) the decline in labor share is associated with an increase in markups and (ii) firms exercise monopsony power in the labor market. We reject these two hypotheses with technology information but may not without it.
Andrew Griffen

December 14, 2022 (Wednesday) 13:00-14:30

* Irregular Schedule, Zoom information is different than usual.

場所 本ワークショップは、対面とZoomを利用してのオンラインでの、ハイブリッド開催となります。詳細は本ウェブサイト上の説明をご確認ください。

■ 対面会場: 東京大学本郷キャンパス 小島ホール第1セミナー室
in Seminar Room 1 on the 1st floor of the Kojima Hall

This seminar is held in-person and online (registration is required for online participation). Please read the instruction above for details.

Ippei Shibata (International Monetary Fund)
"Did the COVID-19 Recession Increase the Demand for Digital Occupations in the United States? Evidence from Employment and Vacancies Data" [Paper]
Zoom Registration Registration <-- Please click here for online participation.
共催 主催:マクロ経済学ワークショップ、 共催:ミクロ経済学ワークショップ
Daisuke Fujii

December 19, 2022 (Monday) 10:30-12:00

場所 本ワークショップは、対面とZoomを利用してのオンラインでの、ハイブリッド開催となります。詳細は本ウェブサイト上の説明をご確認ください。

■ 対面会場: 東京大学大学院経済学研究科学術交流棟(小島ホール)1階第1セミナー室
in Seminar Room 1 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall), Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo

This seminar is held in-person and online (registration is required for online participation). Please read the instruction above for details.

Minji Bang (City University of Hong Kong)
" Job Flexibility and Household Labor Supply: Understanding Gender Gaps and the Child Wage Penalty."
Abstract This paper investigates how occupational flexibility affects married couples’ labor supply and the gender pay gap around childbirth. Using the NLSY79 data and Goldin’s (2014) measure of occupational flexibility, I show that flexibility is a significant determinant of married couples’ labor supply adjustments. When a husband’s job exhibits low flexibility, couples are more likely to specialize with the wife dropping out of the labor market and the husband increasing hours worked. In contrast, couples with greater flexibility show less labor supply adjustment to childbirth. To analyze the relationship between occupational flexibility and family-friendly labor market policies, I develop and estimate a dynamic discrete choice model of couples’ decision-making about labor supply and occupations. In the model, occupations are characterized by wage-hours schedules and flexibility levels. I find that increasing women’s and men’s own occupational flexibility increases labor force participation by 4 percentage points in the childbirth year. Interestingly, increasing husband’s flexibility has a greater impact on the wife’s labor adjustment than her own flexibility, augmenting her participation rate and working hours by 10 and 7 percentage points. Finally, I evaluate the effects of family-friendly policies providing temporary flexibility for couples experiencing a birth in the last two years. Policies that target women increase female labor supply and reduce the gender pay gap by 8% in the long run. However, when the benefits are offered to both spouses, the positive effects on the wife’s labor supply are weakened, and the gender pay gap expands in the long run. 
共催 ミクロ経済学ワークショップ, マクロ経済学ワークショップ
Andrew Griffen
※ 修士論文報告会 Master's Thesis Presentations ※

January 23, 2023(月 Monday)9:00-16:00

場所 本ワークショップは、対面のみで開催されます。詳細は本ウェブサイトの説明をご確認ください。
The presentations are in-person only. Please gather at the seminar venue by the starting time of the seminar.

■ 対面会場: 東京大学大学院経済学研究科学術交流棟(小島ホール)1階第1セミナー室, 第3セミナー室
Vemue:  in Seminar Room 1 on the 1st floor, and Seminar Room 3 on the 2nd floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall), Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo


Presentation Materials:

Your thesis paper can be printed by CIRJE and distributed at the seminar venue.  Please send an electronic file of it to CIRJE at cirje [at mark], so that CIRJE can duplicate it. 

The submission deadline is (please be punctual):

by January 19 (Thursday)16:00

Please make sure that:

* Submission behind the deadline is not accepted for any reason.

* The file/hardcopy submitted to CIRJE should be the final version.

* You need to send your emergency contact information (like a cell phone number) together with your thesis file, so that CIRJE can immediately reach you in case the file cannot be opened/is broken.

* Please put a file of your presentation slides only in your USB memory when you come to the seminar venue since it is sometimes not recognized when other files are inculded in the USB memory.

* Those who missed the deadline or those who wish to revise the thesis paper after the submission are required to make 7 hardcopies of it and bring them to the seminar venue on the presentation day.

* You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation:  for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis.

* Presenters can use equipment such as a computer and a pointer in a locker at the entrance of the seminar venue on the presentation day:  make sure they should be back into place after use.


January 23 (Monday)

Seminar Room 1, 1st Floor

 10:00-10:30 谷口 智穂 (Chiho Taniguchi) (Readers: Yamaguchi (main), Kawaguchi, Kondo)

 10:30-11:00 河村 絢也 (Junya Kawamura) (Readers: Yamaguchi (main), Kawaguchi, Iizuka)

 11:00-11:30 哥丸 連太朗 (Rentaro Utamaru) (Readers: Yamaguchi (main), Kawaguchi, Yasu Watanabe)

 11:30-12:00 CHEN Yingfei (Readers: Kawaguchi (main), Yamaguchi, Griffen)

 12:30-13:00 CHEN Xiaoyu (Readers: Tanaka (main), Kondo, Kawata)

 13:00-13:30 WANG Ze (Readers: Sawada (main), Griffen, Tanaka)

 13:30-14:00 SUN Jiayin (Readers: Sawada (main), Kawaguchi, Shoji)


January 23 (Monday)

Seminar Room 3, 2nd Floor

10:30- 11:00 CHEN Yongqin (Readers: Kucheryavyy (main), Furusawa, Ueda)

11:30-12:00 新比惠 理志 (Satoshi Imahie) (Readers: Yas Watanabe(main), Iizuka, Ohashi)

 12:00-12:30 高倉 一真 (Kazuma Takakura) (Readers: Yas Watanabe(main), Iizuka, Ohashi)

 12:30-13:00 渡辺 了太 (Ryota Watanabe) (Readers: Yas Watanabe(main), Iizuka, Ohashi)

 13:30-14:00 五十嵐 雄介(Yusuke Igarashi) (Readers: Iizuka (main), Bessho, Tanaka)

 14:00-14:30 LYU Xiangjin (Readers: Iizuka (main), Griffen, Yamaguchi)

 14:30-15:00 SHANG Siyuan (Readers: Griffen(main), Kawaguchi, Yas Watanabe)


February 6, 2023 (Monday) 10:30-12:00

場所 本ワークショップは、対面とZoomを利用してのオンラインでの、ハイブリッド開催となります。詳細は本ウェブサイト上の説明をご確認ください。

■ 対面会場: 東京大学本郷キャンパス 小島ホール1階第1セミナー室
in Seminar Room1 on the 1st floor of the Kojima Hall

This seminar is held in-person and online (registration is required for online participation). Please read the instruction above for details.

Mari Tanaka
"Meritocracy and Its Discontents: Long-run Effects of Repeated School Admission Reforms" (Joint with Yusuke Narita and Chiaki Moriguchi)
Abstract We study the impacts of changing admissions systems in higher education. Our research design takes advantage of the world's first known implementation of nationally centralized meritocratic admissions and its subsequent reversals in the early twentieth century. We find an equity-meritocracy tradeoff both in the short and long run. On the one hand, the meritocratic centralization achieve the goal of rewarding applicants with higher academic performance in the short run and produced a greater number of top bureaucratic elites in the long run. On the other hand, this meritocracy come at the distributional cost of urban-born applicants crowding out rural-born applicants from elite higher education and career advancement. Several decades later, the meritocratic centralization increases the number of urban-born top income earners and other career elites relative to rural-born elites.
Shintaro Yamaguchi


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