CIRJECenter for International Research
on the Japanese Economy

What's New

  • 2024/10/10 - 10/11 2days Conference "Economic Insights for Creating Inclusive Labor Markets: Learning from Europe and Japan" (Organizer: Mari Tanaka) will be held. [Program]
    If you wish to participate, please register at the website (click here) by 5pm on September 24.

  • 2024/09/26 International Conference "Economic Research using Administrative Data" (Organizer: Daiji Kawaguchi) will be held. [Program]
    If you wish to participate, please register at the website (click here) by 5pm. on September 17.

  • 2024.3.10 (Office Relocation) CIRJE has been moved to the 7th floor of the Economics Research Building.

  • 2021.4.1 New Director Appointed
    Professor Kosuke Aoki appointed the director of CIRJE.

  • Workshops

    Please click "Workshops" for details of each seminar.
    Graduate School of Economics Seminars / Wokshops Calendar CIRJE Workshop Calender

    Discussion Papers

    • CIRJE-F-1232 Mochida, Nobuki, "The Macroeconomic Effect of Tax Shocks, New Narrative Evidence from Japan", August 2024.
    • CIRJE-F-1234 Abe, Makoto, "Probability-based A/B testing with Adaptive Minimax Regret (AMR) Criterion for Long-Term Customer Metrics", August 2024.
    • CIRJE-J-311 Abe, Makoto,"Probability-based A/B testing with Adaptive Minimax Regret (AMR) criterion for long-term customer metrics", August 2024.
    • CIRJE-F-1233Okazaki, Tetsuji and Akira Okubo, "Japan’s economic warfare in the 1930s and early 1940s", August 2024.
    • CIRJE-F-1231Arimoto, Yutaka, Tomoko Hashino, Masaki Nakabayashi, Tetsuji Okazaki, Osamu Saito, Yoshihiro Sakane and Kaoru Sugihara, "The State of Economic History in Japan", August 2024.


    CIRJE is pleased to welcome the following new visitors and guests:

    • 2024.8.26 to 2024.10.30 Haruka Takayama (University at Albany, SUNY)
    • 2024.8.19 to 2024.9.6 Víctor Peña (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
    • 2024.8.12 to 2024.8.30 笠原博幸(University of British Columbia)
    • 2024.6.5 to 2024.3.31 Leslie Hannah(London School of Economics)
    • 2024.4.1 to 2025.3.31 Makoto Hasegawa (Kyoto University)