CIRJECenter for International Research
on the Japanese Economy

What's New

  • 2024.11.9 Conference "19 th Applied Econometrics Conference" [Program] (Organizer: Daiji Kawaguchi) will be held. For those who would like to participate in this conference, please come to the conference site directly. (Pre-registration was closed.)

  • 2024.3.10 (Office Relocation) CIRJE has been moved to the 7th floor of the Economics Research Building.

  • 2021,4.1 New Director Appointed
    Professor Kosuke Aoki appointed the director of CIRJE.

  • Workshops

    Please click "Workshops" for details of each seminar.
    Graduate School of Economics Seminars / Wokshops Calendar CIRJE Workshop Calender

    Discussion Papers

    • CIRJE-F-1210Fujii, Masaaki and Masashi Sekine, "Mean-field Equilibrium Price Formation with Exponential Utility", April 2023; Revised in January 2025.
    • CIRJE-J-309Iwamoto, Yasushi, Why Were the Emergency Measures Tougher Than Expected? On the Influences of Mathematical Model Analysis" March 2024.
    • CIRJE-F-1229 Fujii, Masaaki and Masashi Sekine, "Mean Field Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model with Habit Formation", June 2024; Revised in November 2024.
    • CIRJE-F-1237 KIM, Soyoung, Yuki Higuchi, Kei Kajisa and Yasuyuki Sawada, "Infrastructure and Structural Transformation: Evidence from Satellite, Administrative, and Multi-Generation Household Data in a Developing Country", November 2024.
    • CIRJE-J-1215 Takahashi, Akihiko and Toshihiro Yamada,"New Asymptotic Expansion Formula via Malliavin Calculus and Its Application to Rough Differential Equation Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion", June 2023, Revised in October 2024.


    CIRJE is pleased to welcome the following new visitors and guests:

    • 2024.12.24 to 2024.12.28 Toshiaki Komatsu (University College London)
    • 2024.12.16 to 2024.12.26 Mitsuru Igami (University of Toronto)
    • 2024.12.14 to 2025.1.16 Kohei Yata (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
    • 2024.12.12 to 2025.1.3 Mira Frick (Princeton University)
    • 2024.12.12 to 2025.1.3 Ryota Iijima (Princeton University)
    • 2024.12.10 to 2025.1.2 Hiroyuki Kasahara (University of British Columbia)
    • 2024.6.5 to 2025.3.31 Leslie Hannah(London School of Economics)