CIRJECenter for International Research
on the Japanese Economy

What's New


Please click "Workshops" for details of each seminar.
Graduate School of Economics Seminars / Wokshops Calendar CIRJE Workshop Calender

Discussion Papers

  • CIRJE-F-1230Mita, Daiya and Akihiko Takahashi, "A New Equity Investment Strategy with Artificial Intelligence, Multi Factors, and Technical Indicators", July 2024.
  • CIRJE-F-1229 Fujii, Masaaki and Masashi Sekine, "Mean Field Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model with Habit Formation", June 2024.
  • CIRJE-J-310 Iwamoto Yasushi, "Verifiability of “Reducing Contact by 80%”", May 2024.
  • CIRJE-F-1215Takahashi, Akihiko and Toshihiro Yamada, "New Asymptotic Expansion Formula via Malliavin Calculus and Its Application to Rough Differential Equation Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion", June 2023;Revised in May 2024.
  • CIRJE-F-1228Okubo, Yuri, "Ambivalent Aspirations: Okinawans Collaboration with the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere", May 2024.


CIRJE is pleased to welcome the following new visitors and guests:

  • 2024.6.17 to 2024.7.31 Wataru Miyamoto (University of Hong Kong)
  • 2024.6.5 to 2024.6.30 Leslie Hannah(London School of Economics)
  • 2024.6.3 to 2024.7.11 Shuichiro Nishioka (West Virginia University)
  • 2024.6.3 to 2024.6.15 Han Zhao (Tsinghua University)
  • 2024.6.1 to 2024.7.31 Konstantin Kuchryavyy (City University of New York)
  • 2024.5.30 to 2024.6.22 Cheng Chen (Clemson University)
  • 2024.5.3 to 2024.6.24 Stéphane Mechoulan (Dalhousie University)
  • 2024.4.1 to 2024.6.29 Kota Ogasawara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • 2024.4.1 to 2024.6.29 Tetsuhito Himeno (Shiga University)
  • 2024.4.1 to 2025.3.31 Makoto Hasegawa (Kyoto University)