CIRJE Meeting Schedule

  • * Application is by INVITATION ONLY.
  • Application

    1) To see the website, please enter your "name" and "e-mail address".

    2) Please check just one time slot which you would like to take.

    * Reservations are based on "first-come, first-serve" basis so you cannot choose a slot which is already taken.
    Please refrain from creating a new time slot using "suggest a new date".

    *  In case you cannot enter the poll, please click on "Clear History" of your web browser and try again.

    *  If you have any inconvenience, please contact CIRJE Administrative Office (

    Upcoming Meetings

    Please check one time slot which you would like to take.

    Date Name Deadline Registration Workshop
    July 22 Yusuke Narita July 12

    <- Deadline

    Empirical Microeconomics Workshop
    July 26 湯田道生 July 19

    <- Deadline

    July 24 Konstantin Kucheryavyy July 22


    Tokyo Workshop on International and Development Economics (TWID)