Tokyo Workshop on International and Development Economics (TWID) 2021

  • ※ 特に表記のない限りセミナー発表は英語で行われます(Unless otherwise mentioned, presentations are in ENGLISH)。

    ※ Workshop background


Zoomを利用したオンライン開催について (Online Seminars Using Zoom) 

当面の間、本ワークショップはオンラインで開催されます。 以下の注意事項を必ずご確認のうえご準備をお願いいたします。

Zoom URL、ID、パスコードはセミナーにより異なります。セミナー毎にご登録ください。

TWID is held online for the time being. Please read the following instruction for participation. Zoom URL, ID and Passcode are diferent depending on the seminar. Please meke sure to register for each seminar.

※ 登録 (Registration)

事前登録が必須となります。 下記よりご登録頂けますと、 ミーティングURLがemailで送付されます。 事前に、ご利用の端末にZoomアプリケーションのインストールをお済ませください。 (Zoomアカウントをお持ちの方は、emailにあるID, パスワードを使ってサインインして頂くことも可能です。)

Registration is required to join a seminar. Please register in advance at the following website so that detailed information containing meeting URL will be provided via email.  Please make sure to install ZOOM Cloud Meetings (application)on your computer or cell phone in advance. (If you have a Zoom account, sign-up using ID and password included in the email is also available.)


参加までの手順は下記より事前にご確認ください。 For more details, please see the following website.

日本語 ・ English


※ 注意 (Note)

1) 参加者名には、ご自分の氏名をお使い下さい。 Please register your full name when you participate.

2) ご自身の音声は、質疑応答時を除き、OFFにしてください。 Please mute your microphone during a speaker's talk except for Q&A session.

音声OFFの手順 (Muting Participants in Zoom)

日本語 ・ English








January 19(Wednesday) 12:00pm-1:30pm (JST)

Jesus Felipe (Asian Development Bank) and Scott Fullwiler (University of Kansan-Missouri)
Why the Feldstein-Horioka “Puzzle” remains unsolved

This paper argues that the Feldstein-Horioka “puzzle” (i.e., that in a regression of the domestic investment rate on the domestic saving rate, the estimated coefficient significantly larger than what would be expected in a world high capital mobility) should have never been labeled as such. First, we show that the series of investment and saving typically used in empirical exercises are not appropriate for testing capital mobility. Consequently, the Feldstein-Horioka (FH) regression lacks economic content. Second, given the above, we argue that the FH regression is not a model in the econometric sense, that is, an equation with an error term that is a random variable. We show that the estimate of the coefficient of the saving rate in their regression is just as a biased estimate of the same coefficient in the accounting identity that relates domestic investment to the sum of domestic saving plus the capital account, where it has a value of 1. This bias results from omitting a variable in the identity, namely the capital account. Since the omitted variable is known, we call it pseudo bias. Given that the latter is negative for most countries (but often less than 1 in absolute terms), it should come as no surprise that the FH regression yields a coefficient between 0 and 1. This is just the result of the accounting identity. We conclude that the FH argument is a hypothesis still waiting to be properly tested with the correct data.

Lectures by Professor John Gibson

January 31, 2022 (Monday) 10:00-11:30 (JST)
February 3, 2022 (Thursday) 10:00-11:30 (JST)

Speaker, Title
January 31, 2022 (Monday) 10:00-11:30 (JST)
John Gibson(University of Waikato, NZ)
Lecture on the use of night lights data for development research

February 3, 2022 (Thursday) 10:00-11:30 (JST)
John Gibson(University of Waikato, NZ)
"Noisy Night Lights Data: Effects on Research Findings for Developing Countries" (joint with Omoniyi Alimi and Geua Boe-Gibson; University of Waikato, NZ)

Night lights data are increasingly used by economists, especially for developing country research. Many of these countries have limited capacity to generate timely and accurate sub-national statistics on economic activity so satellite data seem attractive. Most studies have used Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) data that are flawed by blurring, lack of calibration, and top- and bottom-coding. These noisy data only weakly relate to traditional economic activity measures for lower levels spatial units. More accurate data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) of instruments on the Suomi satellite are available since 2012 but are rarely used by economists. This paper examines how recent published findings for developing countries based on DMSP data for very small spatial units change when the more accurate VIIRS night lights data are used. Our first example finds that economic activity is far more concentrated in low lying, flood-prone, areas than is apparent with the DMSP data. Our second example shows that urbanization, as proxied by night lights, is not associated with better child nutritional outcomes in Nigeria, contrary to claims in a study using DMSP data. In both examples, spatially mean-reverting errors in the DMSP data cause econometric bias that distorts policy implications.

February 10(Thursday) 10:25am-12:10pm (JST)
Yao Amber Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Import Sourcing Response to Anti-dumping Investigations: Evidence from Chinese Firms (joint work with Stephen Yeaple and Tengyu Zhao)
Co-Host Macroeconomics Workshop
February 24(Thursday) 9:00am-10:30pm (JST)
Keynote: "The Voltage Effect", John List (Professor, University of Chicago)

Short Panel Discussion: "How can we scale up good ideas in development fields?"
Panelists: Yasuyuki Sawada (Professor, University of Tokyo) Megumi Muto (Vice President, JICA) Mushfiq Mobarak (Professor, Yale University)
Q&A session:




March 16(Wednesday) 1:30pm-3:00pm (JST)

※ 対面・オンライン(Zoom)併用

Venue 東京大学大学院経済学研究科学術交流棟2階
足立大輔(Daisuke Adachi) (Aarhus University)
"Robots and Wage Polarization: The Effects of Robot Capital by Occupations" [paper] [slides]


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