ミクロ実証分析ワークショップ 2021
Empirical Micro Research Seminar 2021
- ※ 特に表記のない限りセミナー発表は英語で行われます(Unless otherwise mentioned, presentations are in ENGLISH)。
Zoomを利用したオンライン開催について (Online Seminars Using Zoom)
当面の間、本ワークショップはZoom を利用してオンラインで開催されます。 以下の注意事項を必ずご確認のうえご準備をお願いいたします。 Empirical Micro Research Seminar is held online using Zoom for the time being. Please read the following instruction for participation.
※ 登録 (Registration) 事前登録が必須となります。 下記よりご登録頂けますと、 ミーティングURLがemailで送付されます。 事前に、ご利用の端末にZoomアプリケーションのインストールをお済ませください。 (Zoomアカウントをお持ちの方は、emailにあるID, パスワードを使ってサインインして頂くことも可能です。) Registration is required to join a seminar. Please register in advance at the following website so that detailed information containing meeting URL will be provided via email. Please make sure to install ZOOM Cloud Meetings (application)on your computer or cell phone in advance. (If you have a Zoom account, sign-up using ID and password included in the email is also available.) https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsfuyrrTwtHNyMNMOg1L8fx_niJtHgIwR4 参加までの手順は下記より事前にご確認ください。 For more details, please see the following website.
※ 注意 (Note) 1) 参加者名には、ご自分の氏名をお使い下さい。 Please register your full name when you participate. 2) 登録は初回のみ。すでにご登録されている方は、登録時にご案内済みのミーティングURLまたはミーティングID、パスワードでご入室頂けます。ただし、共催セミナーの場合、URLが変わる場合がありますのでお気をつけください。 Those who already registered previously need not register again. You can join the following meetings with the same meeting URL or the meeting ID as the one you received. Please note that the meeting URL will be changed when the seminar is hosted by another workshop.
※ セミナー中 (During Seminars) ご自身の音声は、質疑応答時を除き、OFFにしてください。 Please mute your microphone during a speaker's talk except for Q&A session. 音声OFFの手順 (Muting Participants in Zoom) |
日時 | December 20, 2021 (Monday) 10:30-12:00 |
場所 | Zoomを利用したオンラインでの開催(事前登録制)予定です。 詳細は本ウェブサイト上の説明をご確認ください。 This seminar is held online (registration is required). Please read the instruction above for details. |
報告 | Daiji Kawaguchi (The University of Tokyo) "Training, Productivity, and Wages: Direct Evidence from a Temporary Help Agency" (joint work with Xinwei Dong and Dean Hyslop) |
Abstract | Firms frequently provide training to workers that endows the general skill transferable across employers at the firm's cost. Theories proposed that the labor market friction creates the wedge between productivity gain and the wage growth and motivates the firm to offer such training. Few studies test the hypothesis. We use unusually rich data from a temporary-help service firm that records both the fee charged to client firms and the wage paid to the worker. We first document that the firm provides upfront training, and show that the length of the training period is positively related to the initial fee charged to clients but is unrelated to the wage paid to workers. We then demonstrate that fees charged to clients grow faster than the wages paid to workers. Finally, we find that the firm is able to increase the fees charged by improving the match quality between workers and clients, but none of the match-quality benefits go to wages. Each of these mechanisms represent labor market imperfections, and enable the firm to recoup the cost of upfront training from the growing gap of fees and wages among retained workers. |
Organizer | Andrew Griffen |
日時 | Master's Thesis Presentations January 17, 2022 (Monday) 11:00 - 12:00 January 24, 2022 (Monday) 15:00 - 15:30 |
場所 | Zoomを利用したオンラインでの開催(事前登録制)予定です。 詳細は本ウェブサイト上の説明をご確認ください。 This seminar is held online (registration is required). Please read the instruction above for details. |
January 17 | 11:00 - 11:30 Shian Sun (Readers: Griffen, Kawaguchi, Yamaguchi) 11:30 - 12:00 Kenta Fukuda (Readers: Yamaguchi, Kawaguchi, Griffen) |
January 24 | 15:00 - 15:30 Shohei Shiratori (Readers: Kawaguchi, Yamaguchi, Kawata) |
日時 | April 19, 2021 (Monday) 10:30-12:00 |
場所 | Zoomを利用したオンラインでの開催(事前登録制)予定です。 詳細は本ウェブサイト上の説明をご確認ください。 This seminar is held online (registration is required). Please read the instruction above for details. |
報告 | Michiru Kaneda (Money Forward Lab) "Who Spent COVID-19 Stimulus Payment? Evidence from Personal Finance Software in Japan" (joint with So Kubota and Satoshi Tanaka) |
Abstract | We study the household consumption responses to the Japan’s unconditional cash transfer program reacting to the COVID-19 crisis. Due to frequent delays in local governments’ administrative procedures, the timing of the payment to households unexpectedly varied. With this natural experiment, we analyze households’ consumption responses to the cash transfer using high-frequency data from a personal finance management software that links detailed information on expenditure, income, and wealth. We construct three consumption measures: one captures the baseline marginal propensity to consume (MPC), and the other two are for the lower and the upper bound of the MPC. All exhibit immediate and non-negligible positive responses in household expenditure. We also explore heterogeneity in MPCs by households’ income, wealth, and population characteristics, as well as consumption categories. Our results provide implications for counterfactual targeted cash transfer programs, conditioning on labor income and liquidity constraint. |
Organizer | Shintaro Yamaguchi |
日時 | ※本ワークショップは開催中止となりました。 The seminar has been cancelled. |
場所 | |
報告 | Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University) |
共催 | ミクロ経済学ワークショップ |
Abstract | |
Organizer | Andrew Griffen |
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