CIRJECenter for International Research
on the Japanese Economy

What's New

  • 2024.11.9 Conference "19 th Applied Econometrics Conference" [Program] (Organizer: Daiji Kawaguchi) will be held. For those who would like to participate in this conference, please register at this website. (Deadline: 4pm, October 25(Friday))

  • 2024.3.10 (Office Relocation) CIRJE has been moved to the 7th floor of the Economics Research Building.

  • 2021,4.1 New Director Appointed
    Professor Kosuke Aoki appointed the director of CIRJE.

  • Workshops

    Please click "Workshops" for details of each seminar.
    Graduate School of Economics Seminars / Wokshops Calendar CIRJE Workshop Calender

    Discussion Papers

    • CIRJE-F-1236Matsuyama, Hiroyuki, Chigusa Okamoto and Yasuhiro Sato, "Social integration of Immigrants in Cities: Theory and Evidence from The European Social Survey", October 2024.
    • CIRJE-F-1235Ogawa, Hikaru and Ryota Tsuchiya, "Taxing Cross-Border Online Sales for Pareto Improvement in Tax Revenue", 2024年9月.
    • CIRJE-F-1232 Mochida, Nobuki, "The Macroeconomic Effect of Tax Shocks, New Narrative Evidence from Japan", August 2024.
    • CIRJE-F-1234 Abe, Makoto, "Probability-based A/B testing with Adaptive Minimax Regret (AMR) Criterion for Long-Term Customer Metrics", August 2024.
    • CIRJE-J-311 Abe, Makoto,"Probability-based A/B testing with Adaptive Minimax Regret (AMR) criterion for long-term customer metrics", August 2024.


    CIRJE is pleased to welcome the following new visitors and guests:

    • 2024.10.1 to 2024.12.31 Jaeok Park (Yonsei University)
    • 2024.8.26 to 2024.10.30 Haruka Takayama (University at Albany, SUNY)
    • 2024.6.5 to 2025.3.31 Leslie Hannah(London School of Economics)