CIRJE Conferences 2005


  • Organizers:
    Takatoshi Ito
    Shin-ichi Fukuda
    Takeo Hoshi
    Andrew Rose
  • December 9 and 10, 2005
  • Meeting Room, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo
  • Conference Program

The TRIO conference of this academic year took place on 9th and 10th of December 2005 at 6th floor of the Graduate School of Economics Building, University of Tokyo. The theme of the conference was "International finance." The topic is one of today's most significant medium to long-termissues of economic policy in Europe, the US, Asia, and Japan as well. While each region faces a different external economic environment, major changes to existing international monetary systems are inevitable in all cases .European countries started a new monetary system as introducing EURO. Still, there is considerable debate among economists and policy-makers as what is the most appropriate form for a new international monetary system. The reforms are likely to have significant effects in the capital markets; offering opportunities for new products, causing shifts in asset allocation, and raising new questions about regulation. In total, ten papers were presented from Japan, US and Europe for intensive discussions.

The Seventh Annual Japan Project Meeting

  • Organizers:
    Magnus Blomstrom
    Fumio Hayashi
    Anil Kashyap
  • September 15 and 16, 2005
  • Hotel Okura
  • Conference Program

The Seventh Annual CIRJE Japan Project Meeting, co-organized with NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research, based in the U.S.)and the EIJS (European Institute for Japanese Studies, based in Sweden), was held on September 15th and16th 2005, at Hotel Okura. More than 80 academics, private-sector economists, journalists and policymakers from within and outside Japan participated. Eight papers were presented. Professor Hiroshi Yoshikawa, a member of the Economic Council Committee (the policy advisory council chaired by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi) gave a lunchtime talk on macroeconomic policy-making in Japan.

APEA Conference

  • Organized by Asia-Pacific Economic Association
  • July 30-31, 2005
  • Mercury Tower, Hitotsubashi University
  • Conference Program

The purpose of the APEA conference is to encourage economic research on international economics in the Asia-Pacific region through promoting interactions among economists in the region and in other parts of the world. The conference follows a series of conferences organized by a group of economists in the United States, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China on the Asian economies and the 1997 Asian financial crisis. They all felt the need for more forums for economists to share their research work with others, to interact with other economists, to search for more research opportunities and topics, and to make policy recommendations.

The Second General Equilibrium Theory Workshop in Asia (GETA2005)

  • Jointly sponsored by the 21 Century COE Programs of the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University
  • June 25, 2005
  • Lecture Hall No.2, Faculty of Economics, Hongo, Campus, The University of Tokyo
  • Conference Poster

The Second General Equilibrium Theory Workshop in Asia (GETA2005) was held at the University of Tokyo on June 25, 2004. As the name suggests, the main topic of GETA is the general equilibrium analyses of market economies and its direct applications to economic problems, such as finance theory and dynamic macroeconomics theory. However, this should not be taken as a restriction: GETA is also interested in related fields, such as the analyses of the nexus between market and non-market institutions, the aim of our 21st Century COE program. This year, we had ten presentations by three Japanese economists and seven guests from foreign countries including prominent economists, Luo Xiao and Adtiya Goenka.

The second joint conference of Seoul National University and University of Tokyo, Contemporary Economic Policy Issues in Asia II

  • Organizers:
    Center for International Research on the Japanese Economy, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo
    Institute of Economic Research, Seoul National University
  • April 7, 2005
  • Faculty Meeting Room on the 6th floor, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo
  • Conference Photos


Morning Session 9:00-12:00
Chair: Toshihiro Ihori (University of Tokyo)

Professor Seung Hoon Lee (Seoul National University),
"Korean Chaebols--Formational Background, Performances and Problems"
Discussant: Makoto Kasuya (University of Tokyo)

Professor Jisoon Lee (Seoul National University),
"Costs of Financial Intermediation and Growth."
Discussant: Tokutaro Shibata (University of Tokyo)

Lunch 12:00-13:30

Afternoon Session 13:30-17:00
Chair: Toru Iwami (University of Tokyo)

Professor Shin-ichi Fukuda (University of Tokyo),
"The Impacts of "Shock Therapy" under a Banking Crisis: Experiences form Three Large
Bank Failures in Japan" (with Satoshi Koibuchi)"
Discussant: Dong-Hyun Ahn (Seoul National University)

Coffee Break 15:00-15:30

Professor Yasuyuki Sawada (University of Tokyo),
"A Credit Crunch and Household Welfare: The Case of the Korean Financial Crisis" (with Sung Jin Kang)
Discussant: Young Sik Kim (Seoul National University)

Reception Dinner 18:00-