※ 2006年3月26日現在の予定です。
日時 | 2006年4月13日(木 Thursday) 10:30-12:00 ※TIME CHANGED、時間帯に注意 * Microworkshop、ITPUワークショップと共催 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | Clifford Winston (The Brookings Institution) Competition and Welfare in the US Airline Industry |
Abstract | We develop a structural econometric model of competition in U.S. domestic airline markets to assess how traveler welfare may be affected by the exit of an industry competitor. We find that Southwest provides the greatest welfare to travelers while other low-cost carriers also contribute significant benefits to the flying public. Of the legacy carriers, only United and Delta substantially raise traveler welfare while American, US Airways, and Continental actually reduce traveler welfare. We conclude that the market is efficiently determining which airlines remain in the industry and that financial assistance to carriers that may otherwise be liquidated is unwarranted. |
日時 | 2006年5月12日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 中島賢太郎 (東京大学) Effects of Border Change in New Economic Geography: A Case of Postwar Japan 文 世一 (京都大学) Cross-border Transport Infrastructure and Aid Policies |
Abstract |
日時 | 2006年6月2日(金 Friday)15:30-16:50 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | Fu-Chuan Lai and Chorng-Jian Liu (National Taipei University) Bilateral Monopoly, Symbiotic Production, and Downstream Market Competition |
Abstract |
日時 | 2006年6月2日(金 Friday)17:00-18:30 ※ITPUワークショップと共催 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | Anming Zhang (University of British Columbia) Sequential Peak-load Pricing in a Vertical Setting: the Case of Airports and Airlines |
Abstract |
日時 | 2006年6月16日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 山口和男 (東京大学) Transport Cost and the Optimal Number of Public Facilities 尾山大輔 (一橋大学) Potential Methods in a Core-Periphery Model with Forward-Looking Expectations |
Abstract |
日時 | 2006年7月6日(木 Thursday)16:30-17:30 ※Macroworkshopと共催 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | Pierre-Philippe Combes (University of Aix-Marseille) Spatial Wage Disparities: Sorting Matters! (with Gilles Duranton and Laurent |
Abstract | Spatial wage disparities can result from spatial differences in the skill composition of the workforce, in non-human endowments, and in local interactions. To distinguish between these explanations, we estimate a model of wage determination across local labour markets using a very large panel of French workers. We control for worker characteristics, worker fixed effects, industry fixed effects, and the characteristics of the local labour market. Our findings suggest that individual skills account for a large fraction of existing spatial wage disparities with strong evidence of spatial sorting by skills. Interaction effects are mostly driven by the local density of employment. Not controlling for worker heterogeneity leads to very biased estimates of interaction effects. Endowments only appear to play a small role. |
日時 | 2006年7月6日(木 Thursday)17:30-18:30 ※Macroworkshopと共催 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | Thierry Mayer (Universite de Paris Sud) |
Abstract | Recent theoretical work on economic geography emphasizes the interplay of transport costs and plant-level increasing returns. In these models, the spatial distribution of demand is a key determinant of economic outcomes. In one strand, it is argued that higher demand gives rise to a more than proportionate increase in production, a result known as the home market effect. Another strand emphasizes the effects of market sizes on factor prices. We highlight the theoretical connection between these two strands. Using data on 57 European regions, we show how wages and employment respond to differentials in what we call real market potential, a discounted sum of demands derived from the theory. |
日時 | 2006年7月14日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 安 起正 (京都大学) Road Pricing and Bus Service Policies 川崎晃央 (九州大学) Does Entry Regulation of the Airline Market Improve Social Welfare? |
Abstract | <安> This paper focuses on the fare and frequency of bus services when the use of automobiles is under-priced. Three types of bus provision are considered, which are second-best, operation under zero-profit constraint, and monopolistic operator. By incorporating the congestion effect of buses on road congestion, this paper shows that the square root rule should be modified, and derives an optimal decision rule on bus services in each type of provision. This paper also investigates how the bus service policies should change with the introduction of road tolling and shows that the direction of change in bus fares and the change in private welfare depends on the type of provision. <川崎> This paper presents an analysis of whether entry regulation in the airline market improves social welfare or not. When an entrant enters the market, airline companies undertake price competition. Consequently, the flight frequency of each airline company might decrease. When the flight frequency of each airline decreases, operation costs decrease; the benefit for passengers also decreases. Therefore, this paper uses price competition with a product differentiation model, showing that entry regulation in the airline market improves social welfare or not depending on the degree of product differentiation. |
日時 | 2006年9月15日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 ※ITPUワークショップ、Microworkshopと共催 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 山口勝弘 (東京大学) International Trade and Air Cargo: An Analysis of US Export and Air Transport Policy 吉田雄一朗 (政策研究大学院大学) Dynamic and Static Productivity Measurement of Japanese Airlines: Can They Really Compete through the Liberalization in the Asian Aviation Industry? |
Abstract |
日時 | 2006年10月27日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 松浦寿幸 (経済産業研究所)、元橋一之 (東京大学) 中・大規模店の参入・退出と中心市街地の活性化に関する計量分析 [PDF(revised)][改訂箇所] 高橋孝明 (東京大学) Gains from Trade at the Extensive and the Intensive Margins (with Kristian Behrens) |
Abstract |
日時 | 2006年11月10日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | Laurent Gobillon (Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques) The Effect of Location on Finding a Job in the Greater Paris Area (with Thierry Magnac and Harris Selod) 水谷文俊(神戸大学) Industrial Diversity and Metropolitan Unemployment Rate (with Keizo Mizuno and Noriyoshi Nakayama) |
Abstract | <Gobillon> There are large spatial disparities in unemployment durations across the 1,300 municipalities in the Ile-de-France region (Paris Greater Area). In order to characterize these imbalances, we estimate a proportional hazard model stratified by municipality on an exhaustive dataset of all unemployment spells starting in the first semester of 1996. For each municipality, this model allows us to recover a survival function purged of individual effects. Analyzing these survival functions, we show that nearly 80% of the gross disparities remain, especially for long-term unemployment. However, we show that nearly 70% of the remaining differences can be explained by local indicators, especially residential segregation indices. |
日時 | 2006年12月22日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 森 知也 (京都大学) A Probabilistic Modeling Approach to the Detection of Industrial Agglomerations (with Tony E. Smith) 内藤 徹 (釧路公立大学) Unemployment, Trans-boundary Pollution, and Environmental Policy in a Dualistic Economy |
Abstract |
日時 | 2007年1月19日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | Shin-Kun Peng (Academia Sinica) Jean-Louis Mucchielli (Universite Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne) How Do Firms Agglomerate?: A Study of FDI in France (with Matthieu Crozet and Thierry Mayer) |
Abstract |
日時 | 2007年2月16日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 相浦洋志 (名古屋大学) Wholesale Price Discrimination between Conventional Retailer and Electronic Retailer 細江守紀 (九州大学) Regional Integration and Separation with Rent Seeking |
Abstract |
日時 | 2007年3月16日(金 Friday)15:30-18:30 |
場所 | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 新棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
報告 | 寺地祐介 (京都大学) 直井道生 (慶應義塾大学) 地震発生リスクを反映した生活質指数による地域間格差の経済分析(隅田和人・瀬古美喜と共著) |
Abstract |