Public Economics Workshop


※ 発表は原則として日本語で行われます。Presentations are basically in Japanese.

※ 経済学研究科教員・学生の方はご自由にご参加頂けます。





東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
1階 第1セミナー室 [MAP]  


"Amalgamation, free-rider behavior, and regulation"

Amalgamation incentivizes municipalities to increase public debt because it allows them to subrogate their repayment and interest burden on the entire municipality after amalgamation. Smaller municipalities, in particular, tend to accumulate public debt in order to free-ride. Previous studies have shown this kind of opportunistic behavior in countries where municipalities can issue bonds freely in the market. However, in Japan, municipalities cannot issue bonds freely by regulation. When such regulation controls debt accumulation by the merging municipality, the free-rider effect should be weak. This study examines the relationship between the regulation of local government borrowing and free-rider behavior of Japanese municipalities. The difference-in-difference regression results confirm the existence of a free-rider effect in this regard. Moreover, the debt expenditure ratio, the index of the regulation of local public bond issues, has the same effect that prevents local public debt from increasing for both merging and never-merged municipalities. This fact shows that a merging municipality with a free-rider incentive cannot increase local public debt to excess by using the regulation. Therefore, the average free-rider effect per capita is approximately 7% of the average local public debt per capita for the end of the pre-treatment period. This result is considerably lower than the effects of the Swedish cases.


「九州・沖縄地方の市町村における銀行等引受債の金利に関する実証分析 」

本報告では、九州および沖縄地方の市町村が発行する銀行等引受債に焦点を あて、その金利の分布状況を概観し、金利の決定要因について定量的な分析を 行う。定量分析では以下の三つの仮説の当否を検証する。第一の仮説は、潜在 的に民間金融機関の競争度が低い地域ほど、銀行等引受債の金利は上昇するこ と。第二の仮説は、公的資金(財政融資資金・地方公共団体金融機構資金)へ アクセスしやすい市町村ほど、民間金融機関への「対抗力」が働き、銀行等引 受債の金利は下落すること。第三の仮説は、市町村が入札や見積合わせといった競争的な資金調達を実施したとき、それに参加する民間金融機関数が増えるに つれて、銀行等引受債の金利は下落すること。







東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
2階 第3セミナー室 [MAP]  


Thierry Madiès (University of Fribourg)

Corporate bailouts in a globalized economy (joint with Nelly Exbrayat and Stéphane Riou) [PDF]

要旨 This paper explores how economic integration influences the decision by national governments to bail out manufacturing firms. We develop a 2-country model of generalized oligopoly with heterogeneous firms and trade costs. High-cost firms are eligible for a bailout while low-cost firms are profitable. Our model shows that trade liberalization and capital mobility influence both political benefits of a bailout and its cost relative to the cost of a laissez-faire policy. Through tax competition, capital mobility has a disciplining effect. Moreover, if the fall in trade costs is large enough to allow high-cost firms to become exporters, governments may move away from a bailout policy to a laissez-faire policy. In contrast, a marginal decline in trade costs that does not affect the export status of high-cost firms always makes governments more prone to adopt a bailout decision.


※参加には事前登録が必要となります(備考欄参照 )


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
1階 第1セミナー室 [MAP]  


Laure Athias (University of Lausanne)

Does fiscal decentralization hinder of foster privatization? Evidence from PPPs in OECD countries (joint with T. Madies)

要旨 Over the two last decades, fiscal decentralization and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been put forward by international organizations as two means of improving the effectiveness of the delivery of public services. The goal of this paper is to investigate whether more accountable subnational governments resort more to PPPs and to distangle the channels through which it might be the case. We use panel data on the total number of PPPs in 30 OECD countries between 1994 and 2011 and show that PPPs are positively and significantly associated to more tax autonomy of subnational governments. Our results also point out that this effect is conditional to the quality of institutions and the capacity building of subnational governments. More specifically, less ≪ competent ≫ subnational governments resort less to PPPs, but when they do, the private sector takes a higher margin. In addition, the positive effect of an increase in subnational authorities' accountability on the number of PPPs decreases in good institutional environments, where the public provision is more efficient. These results are highly statistically significant, not biased by outlier countries, and are robust across our three identification strategies.

※参加希望者は事前登録が必要となります。幹事の林正義教授 (hayashim@e.u-tokyo.ac.jp )まで電子メールにてご連絡ください。



※ 公益財団法人アジア成長研究所・社会政策に関する研究会と共催


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
2階 小島コンファレンスルーム [MAP]  ※会場にご注意下さい


1) 9:00- 9:50 井伊雅子(一橋大学大学院経済学研究科)

2) 9:50-10:40 周燕飛 (労働政策研究・研修機構)

3) 10:55-11:45 鈴木亘(学習院大学経済学部


1) 9:00-9:50 井伊雅子(一橋大学大学院経済学研究科)


医療・介護制度の改革というと、痛みを伴うと言われる。それは医療の量と質を単に引き下げるのではないかという懸念から来ている。しかし、実は質を高めつつも経費を抑制する方法はある。出来る限り費用対効果に基づいた標準化を行うことである。 日本の医療は費用対効果に基づいた標準化がなされていないことで、無駄な医療支出につながっている可能性がある。医師が行う診療の質を担保することにより、質を高めつつ、医療費を削減することは可能である。具体的には、費用対効果に基づいた診療ガイドラインの導入や専門医研修の必修化(自由標榜制度や自由開業医制度の見直し)を医師の責任で進める、地域に密着したプライマリ・ケアの専門医の制度の確立、政府の介入により医療機関を再編し、医療機関数と病床数を削減する。

同じ製剤で先発品から後発品への転換が起これば、ある程度の医療費削減が見込める。しかし日本では、新薬が出ると売上がそちらにシフトする傾向がある。そのため、特許切れの先発品から後発品への転換ではなく、特許切れの先発品から後発品の ない別の新薬への転換が起こる。つまり優越性が必ずしも明確でない新薬の売上が増加してしまう。そのため後発品の推進だけでは医療費削減効果は限界があり、各国が 進めている費用対効果分析に基づく評価が不可欠となる。


2) 9:50-10:40 周燕飛 (労働政策研究・研修機構)  

Not-working Despite of Poverty: Married Mother’s Dilemma in Japan (co-author with James M. Raymo)

In Japan, there are nearly half a million married women who live below the poverty line but are not working. In this paper, we examine possible explanations for this seemingly contradictory phenomenon. We find that these women are highly liked to be mothers who are rearing children aged 0-2 and to be mothers who have limited earnings potential. The absence of housework or childcare assistance from grandparents (in-law) and husband is also confirmed to be prohibiting the labor supply of married mothers from poor families. Besides, we suspect that the severe shortage of licensed childcare services for small children in populated areas plays a role in it, too.


3) 10:55-11:45 鈴木亘(学習院大学経済学部)

特定健診・特定保健指導の効果測定―プログラム評価の計量経済学からのアプローチ (岩本康志、湯田道生、両角良子と共著)







備考 本ワークショップは,日本学術振興会科研費(課題番号:15H01950)により助成を 受けて実施している研究「日本の社会政策の成功と失敗:アジアは何を学べるか」(研究代表者:アジア成長研究所 チャールズ・ユウジ・ホリオカ)の中間報告の一環として実施するものです。



東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
2階 第3セミナー室 [MAP]  



Corporate Tax Rates and Investment and Location Choices of Canadian Firms

要旨 The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether high corporate income tax rates discourages firms’ investment or entry. Specifically, we examine why researchers obtain different results of tax effects if they employ different tax rates in the existing literature, using the four conventional kinds of corporate income tax rates. We first build firms’ dynamic investment and location choice models and theoretically examine the effects of four corporate income tax rates on firms’ investment and location decisions. Then, we empirically examine the effects of corporate income tax rates on firm location choices based on a discrete choice method. We find that high corporate income tax rates do not necessarily discourage firm investment or settlement because tax credit and deduction systems reduce the total tax amount. In addition, three tax rates are determined by several factors, such as statutory tax rate, tax credit and deduction system, and firm productivity. Therefore, even if one tax rate is high, it does not mean that the other three tax rates are also high in the same provinces. As a result, researchers will obtain different results of tax effects if they use different corporate income tax rates.



東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
2階 第3セミナー室 [MAP]  


Lorenzo Rotunno (Blavatnik School of Government and Nuffield College, University of Oxford)

Heckscher-Ohli​n: Evidence from virtual trade in value added" (with Tadashi Ito and Pierre-Louis Vézina)

要旨 The fragmentation of production chains across borders is one of the most distinctive features of the last 30 years of globalization. Nonetheless, our understanding of its implications for trade theory and policy is only in its infancy. We suggest that trade in value added should follow theories of comparative advantage more closely than gross trade, as value-added flows capture where factors of production, e.g.labor and capital,are used along the global value chain. We find empirical evidence that Heckscher-Ohlin theory does predict manufacturing trade in value-added, and it does so better than for gross shipment flows. While countries export across a broad range of sectors, they specialize in techniques using their abundant factor intensively.
備考  英語での報告になります (presentation in English)。




東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
1階 第1セミナー室 [MAP]  


Eric Weese(Yale University)

Inefficiency and Self-Determination: Simulation-Based Evidence From Meiji Japan [download]


Does the exercise of the right of self-determination lead to inefficiency? This paper considers a set of centrally planned municipal mergers during the Meiji period, with data from Gifu prefecture. The observed merger pattern can be explained as a social optimum based on a very simple individual utility function. If individual villages had been allowed to choose their merger partners, counterfactual simulations show that the core is always non-empty, but core partitions contain about 80% more (postmerger) municipalities than the social optimum. Simulations are possible because core partitions can be calculated using repeated application of a mixed integer program.




東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)
2階 第3セミナー室 [MAP]  


Stanley L. Winer (Carleton University)

The Duverger-Demsetz Perspective on Electoral Competitiveness and Fragmentation: With Application to the Canadian Parliamentary System, 1867-2011 (joint with J. Stephen Ferris and Bernard Grofman) [PDF]


We combine consideration of Duverger's Law (1954) with Demsetz's (1968) theory of natural monopoly to provide a novel perspective on the measurement of electoral competitiveness in a single member district, plurality rule electoral system. In the Duverger-Demsetz view we present, an increase in the effective number of parties above the long run level of 2 predicted by Duverger's 'Law' for plurality based single seat elections indicates a departure from equilibrium and a decline in competitiveness. This runs contrary to the view, sometimes expressed in empirical studies of elections and public policy, that more candidates or parties, each with a smaller vote share reflects a more competitive environment. Using the history of the Canadian parliamentary system, we provide qualified support for the Duverger-Demsetz perspective by studying the relationship between the concentration of vote shares and an index that reflects electoral contestability. Extension of the argument to proportional electoral systems is also considered.

備考  英語での報告になります (presentation in English)。