Tokyo Workshop on International Development 2012


※ 2月8日現在

※ 特に表記のない限りセミナー発表は英語で行われます(Unless otherwise mentioned, presentations are in ENGLISH)。

※ Workshop background



    June 26, 2012 (Tuesday) 15:00-17:30


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第2セミナー室
in Seminar Room 2 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 15:00-16:15
Petr Matous (University of Tokyo)
Emergence of multiplex mobile phone communication networks in a rural setting: An Ethiopian experiment (joint with Yasuyuki Todo and Tatsuya Ishikawa)

2) 16:15-17:30  研究形成拠点事業 B.アジア・アフリカ学術基盤形成型 セミナーと共催
Minhaj Mahmud (Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies)
Mode Choice Behavior of Urban Commuters in Dhaka: A Pilot Study





   July 30, 2012 (Monday) 15:00-17:30


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 セミナー室
in Seminar Room on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 15:00-16:15  
松本朋哉 (Tomoya Matsumoto)(GRIPS)
Technology Adoption and Dissemination in Agriculture: Evidence from Sequential Intervention in Maize Production in Uganda (joint with Takashi Yamano and Dick Sserunkuuma) [PDF]

2) 16:15-17:30
庄司匡宏 (Masahiro Shoji )(Seijo University)
Guilt Aversion and Peer Information in Crime: Evidence from Experiment and Survey Data in a Developing Country


1) We use a randomized control trial to measure how the free distribution of modern inputs for maize production affects their adoption in the subsequent season. Information collected through sales workshops where modern inputs were sold revealed that the average purchase quantity of free-input recipients was much higher than that of non-recipients; that of the neighbors of recipients fell in-between. Also, credit sales had a large impact on purchase quantity, and the yield performance of plots where the free inputs had been applied positively affected the purchase quantities of both recipients and the neighbors with whom they shared information on farming.

2) We use a randomized control trial to measure how the free distribution of modern inputs for maize production affects their adoption in the subsequent season. Information collected through sales workshops where modern inputs were sold revealed that the average purchase quantity of free-input recipients was much higher than that of non-recipients; that of the neighbors of recipients fell in-between. Also, credit sales had a large impact on purchase quantity, and the yield performance of plots where the free inputs had been applied positively affected the purchase quantities of both recipients and the neighbors with whom they shared information on farming.




Special Joint Seminar

Evaluation of Development Assistance:
Perspectives from the World Bank Group and JICA [PDF]

Monday October 8, 2012, 3:00PM-5:15PM


in Lecture Hall No.1 on the basement floor of the Economics Research Building [Map]


Organizers: IEG, World Bank; JICA Research Institute; ESPD project, University of Tokyo

(No Reservation Required)

Evaluation of development assistance is an indispensable, key means to improve development effectiveness. In this seminar, we invite experts from the World Bank Group and JICA Research Institute to learn from their experiences in post-disaster reconstruction, social protection, and other technical assistance.

15:00-15:30 Remarks by Ms. Caroline Heider, Vice President, IEG, World Bank
"Improving the Effectiveness of Development Agencies through Independent evaluation"

15:30-16:00 Remarks by Prof. Akio Hosono, Director, JICA Research Institute
"Resilience and Disaster Risk Management"

16:00-17:15 Panel Discussion
Akio Hosono
Caroline Heider  
Emmanuel Jimenez (IEG Director)
Yasuyuki Todo (University of Tokyo & JICA RI)
Yasuyuki Sawada (University of Tokyo & JICA RI)

17:30- Reception




開発援助評価を再考する -世界銀行グループとJICAの見地から- [PDF]

2012年10月8日(月 Monday)15:00-17:15


東京大学大学院経済学研究科棟 地下1階 第一教室 [Map]


オーガナイザー: IEG, World Bank; JICA研究所; 東京大学ESPD プロジェクト


開発援助の評価は、援助効果の改善にとっての「鍵」であることは言うまでもありません。今回、世界銀行独立評価局副総裁Caroline Heider氏とJICA研究所細野昭雄所長らをお招きして、世界銀行とJICAの様々な分野における支援の評価、例えば災害復興、社会的保護やその他技術協力などの評価の経験について学び、 議論をしたいと思います。

世界銀行評価局(IEG)副総裁 Caroline Heider氏
"Improving the Effectiveness of Development Agencies through Independent evaluation"

15:30-16:00  講演
JICA研究所所長 細野昭雄教授
"Resilience and Disaster Risk Management"

16:00-17:15  パネル討論
Caroline Heider
Emmanuel Jimenez (IEG局長)  

17:30-     懇談会



    October 15, 2012 (Monday) 17:00-19:00


東京大学柏キャンパス環境棟7階講義室 [Map]
Lecture Room 7, 7th floor, Environment Building, Kashiwa Campus, the University of Tokyo [Map]

* 本郷キャンパス(根津駅)、秋葉原駅からの柏キャンパスへの乗り継ぎについてはこちらをご参照ください。

* For the train connections from Hongo Campus (Nezu Station on Chiyoda Line) and Akihabara Station to Kashiwa Campus, please see the time table.


1) 17:00-18:00
戸堂康之 (Yasuyuki Todo) (University of Tokyo)
Effects of social network structure on diffusion and adoption of agricultural technology: Evidence from rural Ethiopia (joint with Petr Matous, Dagne M. Yadate)

2) 18:00-19:00  
鈴木綾 (Aya Suzuki) (University of Tokyo)
Willingness to Pay for Managerial Training: A Case from the Knitwear Industry in Northern Vietnam (joint with Vu Hoang Nam and Tetsushi Sonobe)

※ ワークショップ終了後、懇親会を開催いたします。お時間のある方は是非ご参加くだ さい。

※ We will have a reception after the seminar. Please join us if you have time.


1)  This paper investigates effects of social networks on diffusion and adoption of agricultural technologies, using household-level panel data from Ethiopia. We contribute to the literature by distinguishing between various types of network. We also alleviate possible estimation biases due to endogeneity of social networks, utilizing a social experiment in which we donate mobile phones to randomly selected households. Our findings suggest that the effect of social networks varies depending on the network structure and characteristics of technologies. Knowing a simple technology is mostly determined by whether farmers know any agricultural extension agent, implying the importance of "bridging ties" with new knowledge. However, knowing a more complicated technology is not promoted by knowing an extension agent, but by knowing a trustworthy agent and by a clustered personal network with friends in which friends know each other. This finding suggests that knowing and understanding more complicated technologies require flows of the same information from multiple sources.

2)  Managerial capital has received attention in recent years as one of the major determinants for enterprise productivity, growth, and longevity. While recent empirical studies make it clear that training intervention can improve the management level, it remains unclear why the managers had not made efforts to obtain these basic knowledge. To test the hypothesis that the reason lies in low valuation for obtaining knowledge, we conduct experimental training programs for the managers of SMEs in a knitwear cluster in rural town in Vietnam. We find that the demand for these trainings was indeed low prior to trainings, but increased greatly with own learning experience, and that those with a higher prior demand tended to benefit more from the training. We also examine the spill-over effects from their peers and find their heterogeneous impacts across the types of trainings conducted.



    November 26, 2012 (Monday) 15:30-18:00


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 セミナー室
in Seminar Room on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 15:30-16:45
高野久紀 (Hisaki Kono) (Institute of Developing Economies)
Lending maturity of microcredit and dependence on moneylenders [PDF]

2) 16:45-18:00  
高橋和志 (Kazushi Takahashi) (Institute of Developing Economies)
The roles of risk and ambiguity in the adoption of the System of Rice Intensification: Evidence from Indonesia


1) Despite the expanding access to the low-interest credit including microcredit in developing countries, the presense of informal moneylenders still remains substantial and some studies even show that the introduction of microcredit programs increased the borrowing from highinterest moneylenders instead of decreasing it. We show that the short maturity combined with the borrower's consumption smoothing motive can explain the increased borrowing from the moneylender as well as the high sensitivity of the credit demand to loan maturity. Our theoretical model suggests that whether the microcredit programs increases the average borrowing from the moneylender depends on the distribution of the investment returns and the interest rates of microcredit and moneylender, as well as the loan maturity. The simple numerical excercises show that with plausible value of the parameters, the introduction of microcredit actually can increase the average borrowing from the moneylender especially when the distribution of the investment return is not so preferable. We also show that the expansion of the lending maturity will reduce the dependence on the moneylender and increase the uptake rate of microcredit and investment, and the sufficient expansion of the lending maturity will eliminate the case where the introduction of microcredit will increase the average borrowing amount from the moneylender. Our results imply the average treatment effect of microcredit on the informal borrowing will crucially depend on the underlying parameter values, and without clear understanding of the mechanisms, applying the estimated results obtained in one setting to some other settings will be misleading.

2) Despite the yield enhancing potential of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), its adoption rates have been low and discontinuance among adopters has been high. Using experimental measures of risk and ambiguity aversion combined with household- and plot-level panel data collected in rural Indonesia, this paper explores factors shaping the dynamics of SRI's adoption and discontinuance. Employing multivariate and Heckman probit models, we control for unobserved heterogeneity among farmers and rice fields that may correlate across decisions made over time to adopt SRI overall or its individual practices. We find that farmers' risk aversion significantly reduces their likelihood of adopting all individual SRI practices. However, once the effects of risk aversion on early adoption are controlled for, it does not significantly affect subsequent decisions to continue or discontinue the practices. By contrast, farmers' attitudes toward ambiguity does not play a significant role in the adoption decisions of most practices, except for alternate wetting and drying (AWD), which requires proper coordination among neighboring farmers, and thus, invokes greater uncertainty about effective implementation.




9:30-18:30, December 27 (Thursday), 2012

2012 GRIPS/TWID Conference on "Risks, Social Networks, and Development"

Organized by GRIPS and Tokyo International Workshop on Development (TWID)


Venue: Room K (5th floor), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Roppongi, Tokyo


Program (No reservation required)



    January 16, 2013 (Wednesday) 16:30-19:00 ※時間と場所にご注意ください。


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第2セミナー室
in Seminar Room 2 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 16:30-17:45
Ilan Noy (University of Hawaii Manoa)
What happened to Kobe? A reassessment of the impact of the 1995 earthquake in Japan (joint with William duPont IV) [PDF]

2) 17:45-19:00
會田剛史 (Takeshi Aida) (University of Tokyo)
Social Capital as an Instrument for Common Pool Resource Management: A Case Study of Irrigation Management in Sri Lanka


1) The received wisdom is that the devastation wrought by the 1995 Kobe earthquake did not have any long-term impact on the Japanese economy, nor much impact on Kobe itself. We re-evaluate the evidence using a new methodology, synthetic control, and find a persistent and still continuing adverse impact of the quake on the economy of Kobe more than 15 years after the event. Using the methodology developed by Abadie et al. (2010), we construct counter-factual dynamics for the Kobe economy. We identify a decline in per capita GDP that is attributable to the quake and is persistent, long-term, and clearly observable even 13 years after the quake. GDP per capita for 2008 was 400,000 yen per person lower (12% decrease) than it would have been had the earthquake not occurred. Importantly, this adverse long-term impact is identified in a wealthy region of a developed country, and with the backing of a deep-pocketed fiscal authority.

2) This paper investigates the effect of social capital between irrigation canal head-enders and tail-enders on their water allocation problem. In irrigation management, the water allocation problem between head-enders and tail-enders is one of the serious problems. Using unique natural and artefactual field experiment data as well as general household survey data collected by JICA, this study finds that social capital, especially trust toward their tail-enders, has a significantly positive effect on satisfaction with water usage among head-enders. Considering the fact that the incentive structure of irrigation water allocation for head-enders closely resembles that in the dictator and trust games, this finding also supports the validity of experimentally measured social capital. In addition, this study deals with the simultaneity bias between satisfaction level and experimentally measured social capital, and finds that OLS estimators are downward biased, which is consistent with the hypothesis that scarcity of resources enhances social capital.




    March 5, 2013 (Tuesday) 17:30-19:00 ※日時と場所にご注意ください。


政策研究大学院大学 Lecture Room F (5th floor) [MAP]
GRIPS campus Lecture Room F (5th floor)

* To enter GRIPS building, please send an E-MAIL to Ms. Yamamura <> before the seminar.


Krislert Samphantharak (UC San Diego)
Understanding Consumption Volatility (joint with Robert Townsend)
Discussant:Yasuyuki Sawada (University of Tokyo)
