Tokyo Workshop on International Development 2014


※ 3月24日現在

※ 特に表記のない限りセミナー発表は英語で行われます(Unless otherwise mentioned, presentations are in ENGLISH)。

※ Workshop background



    May 26, 2014 (Monday) 1) 15:10-16:30, 2) 16:40-18:00


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第1セミナー室
in Seminar Room 1 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 15:10-16:30 Abu Shonchoy (Institute of Developing Economies)
"Economic Impact of Political Protests (Strikes) on Firms: Evidence from Bangladesh" (jointly with Kenmei Tsubota, IDE-JETRO)

2) 16:40-18:00 高野久紀 (Hisaki Kono) (Kyoto University)
"Using DVD Lectures to Improve Academic Performance of Rural High Schoolers" (jointly with Yasuyuki Sawada and Abu Shonchoy)





    June 13, 2014 (Friday) 1) 15:10-16:30, 2) 16:40-18:00 *会場に注意


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第2セミナー室
in Seminar Room 2 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 15:10-16:30 岩澤政宗 (Masamune Iwasawa) (Kyoto University)
"How Migrant Heterogeneity Influences the Effect of Remittances on Educational Expenditure: Empirical Evidence from the Cambodian Socio-Economic Survey" (jointly with Mitsuo Inada and Seiichi Fukui)

2) 16:40-18:00 鈴木綾 (Aya Suzuki) (University of Tokyo)
"Risk on Dynamic Behavior of Farmers in the Export Market: A Case from the Pineapple Industry in Ghana"


1) The increasing migration and larger remittance flows in developing countries have both drawn attention to their roles in influencing economic development. However, the body of empirical evidence on how remittances affect investment in child education is mixed because their theoretical positive impact may be offset by the adverse influence of family members being absent. Moreover, the magnitude of this negative impact depends significantly on migrant characteristics. Specifically, given that parents play an irreplaceable role in their children's education, parental migration not only leads to a labor shortage in the household but also results in insufficient parental input. Thus, investigating the impact of remittances without taking account of migrant heterogeneity may produce misleading results. Based on this gap in the body of knowledge, we derive data from the Cambodian Socio- Economic Survey in 2009, which provides a sufficient sample size for three self-selected migration types: parental migration, non-parental migration, and no migration. Estimating each subsample enables us to disentangle the net impact of remittances from that of migration and measure the impact of remittances given the differences in migrant characteristics. The presented results are consistent with the theoretical prediction that remittances positively affect child education, whereas migration has a negative impact, and may even offset the positive impact of parents sending home remittances from the migration destination.

2) While the role of risks in technology adoption is a classical topic, its effects beyond adoption have not been examined well enough despite the frequent occurrence of technology dis-adoption. This paper examines the role of risk preferences and an exogenous shock on the survival of farmers for a case of export pineapple industry in Ghana. Employing hazard analyses, we find that risk preferences indeed matter for the survival and the hazard of exit increased significantly in the period after the occurrence of the exogenous shock. We also find that education has an effect of increasing the resilience of farmers against risks.



    June 26, 2014 (Thursday) 12:10-13:20 

   ※ ミクロ実証分析ワークショップと共催


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第1セミナー室
in Seminar Room 1 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


手島健介 (Kensuke Teshima) (ITAM)
Assortative Matching of Exporters and Importers [PDF]


This paper examines what determines matching of exporters and importers by investigating how matching changes in a large trade liberalization episode. In Mexican textile/apparel exports to the US, both exporters and importers concentrate more than 80% of product-level trade with the single largest partners (the main partners). To understand how firms choose the main partners and change them in response to liberalization, our model introduces one-to-one matching of exporters and importers based on the complementarity/substitutability of firm capability (productivity/quality) within matches in an otherwise standard heterogeneous firm trade model. Our data shows increases in Chinese exporters to the US at the end of the Multi-Fiber Arrangement in 2005 caused Mexican exporters to downgrade and US importers to upgrade their main partners. Our model shows this pattern is consistent with complementary-driven positive assortative matching, but not with capability-independent random matching or substitutability-driven negative assortative matching. The presence of complementarity we find suggests trade liberalization improves matching of firms in supply chains as a part of within industry reallocation that improves the aggregate industrial performance.



    December 19, 2014 (Friday) 1) 12:10-13:20, 2) 13:20-14:30 *会場に注意


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)2階 第3セミナー室
in Seminar Room 3 on the 2nd floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 12:10-13:20 嶋本大地 (Daichi Shimamoto) (Waseda University)
The different effects of risk preferences on the adoption of agricultural technology: evidence from a rural area in Cambodia (joint with Hiroyuki Yamada and Ayako Wakano)

2) 13:20-14:30 横尾英史 (Hidefumi Yokoo) (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
How to promote a job change of dumpsite waste pickers? Evidence from a field experiment in the Philippines (joint with Maki Ikuse, Aries Roda D. Romallosa and Masahide Horita)


1) This paper investigates how farmers’ risk attitudes affected the adoption of agricultural technology in a rural area in Cambodia. We incorporated prospect theory to farmers’ utility function and examined the effect of the risk attitude of farmers to the adoption of two technologies: adoption of a moisture meter for measuring the moisture content of seeds, a recently introduced post-harvest technology, and a modern rice variety that was introduced in the 1990s. The results indicated that risk averse farmers adopted a moisture meter to measure the moisture contents of seeds significantly. With respect to the modern rice variety, farmers’ risk attitude did not affect the adoption. Our results and the results of a previous study imply that the type of risk faced by farmers at the time of decision-making of its adoption partly determine the effect of risk attitude on agricultural adoption.

2) Switching a waste disposal policy from open dumping to sanitary landfilling requires a job change of waste pickers. We conducted a field experiment at Iloilo in the Philippines which offers dumpsite waste pickers a new job of producing paper briquettes fuels. Randomly distributing four different types of offer letters, we examine how the differences in compensation schemes affect decision to take up an offer. Offer letters differ in two aspects, how to determine the level of salary and frequency of the payment. We offered an alternative job to 112 dumpsite waste pickers. 17 (15.2 percent) of them took up a new job and stopped picking waste. Those who received the offer with the once in three days payment were significantly more likely to take up compare to the everyday payment. A compensation scheme of pay per performance with once in three days attracted 27 percent of those who received it. Women were more likely to, risk averse individuals were less likely to, and patient individuals were more likely to take up a new job.



    February 24, 2015 (Tuesday) 1) 14:00-15:10, 2) 15:20-16:30 *会場・時間に注意


東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第2セミナー室
in Seminar Room 2 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


1) 14:00-15:10 Nazmul Chaudhury (World Bank)
Decentralization and Service Delivery: Lessons learnt from the World Bank experience
Rationality and Society Workshopと共催

2) 15:20-16:30 Petr Matous (University of Tokyo)
“Dissolve the keiretsu, or die.” A longitudinal study of disintermediation in Japanese automobile manufacturing supply networks






March 23, 2015 (Monday) 12:00-13:30  ※日時・場所にご注意下さい。



東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第2セミナー
in Seminar Room 2 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map]


Jonathan Haidt (NYU-Stern School of Business)

Two reasons why moral psychology should be of interest to economists: Wicked problems and changing values


 The 20th century settled the matter: There is no alternative to capitalism. The question for the 21st century is: what kind of capitalism is right for each country? Economists are the experts we usually consult for advice on the economic order, but in my talk I will make the case that my field – moral psychology – has a great deal to contribute to discussions of the economy. First I will show why capitalism is so morally divisive in most economically advanced countries. I’ll show how people on the left and right – including economists – are influenced by the underlying moral narratives they embrace about capitalism. These moral divisions turn many economic questions into “wicked” problems, which warp the minds of problem solvers. Next, I’ll discuss research on how moral values change as societies get richer, leading to generation gaps and political polarization – as has happened in Japan and many Asian democracies (and of course in the USA). We’ll end with a discussion of how Japanese people think about capitalism, wealth, inequality, and the big question: What should a flourishing capitalist society look like for Japan in the coming decades?

