Discussion Papers 2020

CIRJE-J-298 『周期性のある購買行動に適応する顧客生涯価値モデル:購買履歴データを使ってPareto/NBDモデルの限界を克服する』
"Customer Lifetime Value Model that Accommodates Cyclic Purchase Behavior: Overcoming the limitation of Pareto/NBD models using Complete Purchase History"
Author Name 阿部 誠(Makoto Abe)
Date April 2020
Full Paper PDF file (only Japanese version available)
Remarks JIMSマーケティング・サイエンス,Vol.28,No.1,29-48,2020年 所収
Abstract (in Japanese) Abstract (in English)

顧客の離脱を観測できない非契約型CRMでは、BTYD (Buy Till You Die)モデルを使うことによって離脱を推測できる。その代表的なモデルであるPareto/NBDでは、リセンシーとフリクエンシーという最小限の購買データから推測を可能にするために、購買行動に強い仮定を置いている。しかし、購買がランダムに発生するという仮定は、周期性のある店舗、カテゴリー、商品の購買には相応しくない。また、購買率と離脱率に関する2つのガンマ分布が独立という仮定では、購買行動と離脱行動の関係が無視されている。


実証分析では、ヘアサロンの購買(訪問)履歴データを用いて、ランダム購買を仮定した個人モデル(PE)と混合分布による集計モデル(Pareto/NBD)とで 比較した。その結果、データへのフィットと予測精度に関しても、パラメータの推定に関しても、提案モデルがPareto/NBDやPEより優れていた。さらに顧客維持戦略への応用として、生涯価値の増加を最大にする最適介入レベルを顧客別に算出した。

In non-contractual CRM whereby customer churn cannot be observed, BTYD (Buy Till You Die) models permit one to infer the churn. Amongst these models, the most popular one, Pareto/NBD posits strong assumptions on purchase behavior in order to allow its modelestimation from a minimal amount of information, namely, customers’ recency and frequency(RF) data. The assumptions, however, place two serious restrictions. First, the Poisson purchase is not appropriate for stores, categories, and products that exhibit cyclic transaction behavior. Second, the independence of two gamma mixture distributions for the purchase and churn rates ignores the association between purchase and churn behaviors.

This research proposes a customer lifetime ( C LV ) model that can accommodate both memoryless and cyclic purchase behaviors from customers’ complete purchase history.Identical to extensively studied Pareto/NBD and its variant models, the proposed model assumes random churn and stochastic spending per transaction following a lognormal distribution. In contrast, purchase behavior, to address its cyclicity, is captured by a logistic threshold model. This CY (cyclic) model provides customer-specific marketing metrics that are useful for one-to-one marketing, including CLV and purchase cyclicity.

Using purchase history from hair salon customers, the proposed model (CY) is compared against two models, both of which assume memoryless purchase: one is an individual-level Poisson purchase / Exponential churn (PE) model, and the other is a P areto/NBD that captures customer heterogeneity through independent gamma mixture distributions. CY model resulted in superior performance over PE and Pareto/NBD in terms of both fit /prediction and parameter estimate. In order to demonstrate application to a retention tactic, the model derived customer-specific optimal level of interception that maximizes the return on CLV.