Discussion Papers 2018


"Is Antenatal Care Effective? Experimental Evidence from Rural Nigeria"

Author Name

Takasaki, Yoshito and Ryoko Sato


December 2018

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This paper examines whether antenatal care (ANC) practiced in rural Nigeria improves maternal and child health behaviors and outcomes. We randomize a cash incentive for one ANC visit and information about ANC at the village level. We examine the impacts of these one-shot interventions in the sequence of prenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal periods, over two years after birth. Non-incentivized subsequent ANC visits increased through learning from the incentivized visit (i.e., sustainability). Making the recommended ANC visits did not affect intrapartum care/outcomes, postnatal care, or child mortality. ANC was ineffective due to its low quality and limited female empowerment.