CIRJE Workshop Master's Thesis Presentations
- ※ 特に表記のない限り発表は英語で行われます。(Unless otherwise mentioned, presentations are in ENGLISH.)
対面またはZoomを利用したハイブリッド開催について (In-person or Online Presentations Using Zoom)
本ワークショップは原則として対面での開催となります。以下の注意事項を必ずご確認のうえご準備をお願いいたします。 In principle, CIRJE Worksohp Master's Thesis Presentations will be held in-person. Please read the following instruction for participation. * You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation: for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis. * To First Presenter: Please pick up a computer at CIRJE Office on the 7th floor in the Economics Research Building, * To Last Presenter: Please return the computer to the CIRJE Office after use. |
Date | January 6 and 20, 2025(月 Monday)9:00- |
Notice | * You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation: for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis. |
Workshop | ミクロ実証ワークショップ ミクロ実証ワークショップの修論報告会については、以下のページをご覧ください。
[Empirical Microeconomics Master's Thesis Presentation 2024] |
Date and Time | January 8, 2025(水 Wednesday)9:30 - 10:00 |
Venue | 経済学研究科棟12階第1共同研究室 |
Notice | * You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation: for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis. |
Speakers | NISHIDA Koshi (Readers: Okui (supervisor), Shimotsu, Kawai, Sakaguchi) |
Workshop |
Empirical Microeconomics Workshop
Date | January 9 and 16, 2025(木 Thursday)9:00- |
Venue | Seminar Room 1 on the 1st floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) [Map] 東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第1セミナー室 [Map] |
Schedule | PDF File (Please click here.) |
Notice | * You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation: for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis. |
Workshop | マクロ経済学ワークショップ |
Date | January 14, 2025(火 Tuesday) |
Workshop | ミクロ理論ワークショップ ミクロ理論ワークショップの修論報告会については、以下のページをご覧ください。
Date and Time | January 17, 2025(金 Friday)13:00 - 14:30 |
Venue | 経済学研究棟12階 第1共同研究室 |
Notice | * You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation: for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis. |
Speakers | 13:00-13:30
報告者: 吉野綾家 13:30-14:00
報告者: ZENG Caiyi |
Workshop |
都市経済ワークショップ The Urban Economics Workshop |
Date and Time | January 22, 2025(水 Wednesday)12:00 - 12:30 |
Venue | 経済学研究科棟12階第2共同研究室 |
Notice | * You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation: for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis. |
Speakers | OKAMURA Soyoka (Readers: Kawai (supervisor), Y. Watanabe, Son) |
Workshop |
Empirical Microeconomics Workshop
Date and Time | July 8, 2024(月 Monday)10:00 - 12:30 |
Venue | 学術交流棟(小島ホール) 1階第1セミナー室 |
Notice | * You MUST attend an official oral examination in addition to this master thesis presentation: for details, please see the schedule to be distributed by the Graduate Office when you submit your thesis. |
Speakers | 10:00-10:30 Yin Ting (Readers: Kawaguchi (supervisor), Tanaka, Kondo) 10:30-11:00 Zeliang Liu (Readers: Tanaka (supervisor), Kondo, Shoji) 11:00-11:30 Muhan Shi (Readers: Kondo (supervisor), Tanaka, Shoji) 12:00-12:30 Donnie Osborne (Readers: Sawada (supervisor), Kawai, Tanaka) |
Note |
Empirical Micro Economics Workshop |
Date and Time | July 18, 2024(木 Thursday)12:00 - 12:30 |
Venue | Online Meeting ID : 856 6334 6492 Pass Code : 121241 |
Speakers | Minghong Cai (Readers: Fukuda (supervisor), Ueda, Higo) Influences of Japanese Negative Interest Rate Policy on Lending Behavior of Japanese Banks |
Note |
Date and Time | July 22, 2024(月 Monday)9:30 - 10:00 |
Venue | 学術交流棟(小島ホール)
1階第1セミナー室 |
Speakers | Yuhang Li (Readers: Kawai (supervisor), Ohashi, Watanabe Yasutora) |
Note |
Empirical Micro Economics Workshop
Date and Time | July 22, 2024(月 Monday)16:30 - 18:35 |
Venue | 学術交流棟(小島ホール) 1階第1セミナー室 |
Speakers | 16:50-17:40 小山佐知子 17:45-18:35 髙橋直央 |
Note |
経済史研究会 |