Macroeconomics Workshop 2000

※ 2月5日現在 近い予定から順に掲載しています


4月20日(木) 4:50-6:30pm
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
Jean-Jacques Laffont氏 (Universite de Toulouse)
"Collusion and Group Lending with Adverse Selection"
In an environment with correlated returns, this paper characterizes optimal lend- ing contracts when the bank faces adverse selection and borrowers have limited liability. Group lending contracts are shown to be dominated by revelation mech- anisms which do not use the ex post observability of the partners' performances. However, when collusion between borrowers under complete information is allowed, group lending contracts are optimal in the class of simple revelation mechanisms (which elicit only the borrower's own private information) and remain useful with extended revelation mechanisms.

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
"Indeterminacy Under Constant Returns to Scale in Multisector Economies"
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the possibility of indeterminacy in multisector growth models that exhibit constant marginal returns to scale at the social level, with empirically realistic small external effects. Our results demonstrate that indeterminacy does not require increasing returns to scale, large external effects, or close to linear utility functions. A small divergence between the social and private returns is sufficient for multiple equilibria.

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
尾崎 裕之氏(東北大学経済学部)
"Solutions for Some Dynamic Problems with Uncertainty Aversion"
(Peter Streufert 氏との共著)
In a discounted expected-utility problem, tomorrow's utilities are aggregated across tomorrow's states by the expectation operator. In our problems, this aggregation is accomplished by a Choquet integral of the form ∫ u dPα, where α specifies uncertainty aversion. We solve all finite-state problems by either a closed form or a finite-dimensional iteration, and show that uncertainty aversion reduces the perceived return on investment, thereby decreasing the saving rate given elastic preferences and increasing the saving rate given inelastic preferences.

※ 尾崎裕之氏によるレクチャー
「ナイト流不確実性下の最適成長モデル」の数学的バックグラウンド(3:00-4:40pm, 経済学部地階 第3教室)

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
大竹 文雄氏(大阪大学社会経済研究所)

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
武田 史子氏 Takeda, Fumiko(エール大学大学院)
"Bank Runs and International Financial Instability Revisited"
This paper examines how an increase in international borrowing changes the probability of bank runs or balance of payments crises under the ‐xed exchange rate regime. Our model is a variation of the Diamond and Dybvig (1983) model of bank runs in the sense that it includes international capital ows and slightly noisy signals into the original model. This model has a unique equilibrium in which the economic fundamentals determine whether a bank run or a balance of payments crisis would occur. This enables us to compute the probability of a bank run or a balance of payments crisis and relate it to the parameters of international borrowing. Whether capital inows increase the probability of runs depends on the return on domestic investment and foreign interest rates. A larger cross-border return dierential raises the patient agents ex post payos when there is no run, and reduces the probability of runs. However, the recent East Asian financial crisis shows that the return on the long-term investment decreased, while foreign interest rates were on upward trend before the crisis. These facts suggest that the increase in capital inows may have raised the likelihood of runs.

6月 1日(木)4:50-6:30pm
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
中嶋 智之氏, NAKAJIMA, Tomoyuki(ブラウン大学経済学部)
"A Change in the Steady State and the Great Depression"
Two questions are addressed in this paper. The first one is whether or not there was a change in the steady state around the Great Depression. The second is whether or not the steady-state change, if any, is related to the Great Depression in a quantitatively significant way. By looking at the output/labor-productivity ratio and the capital/output ratios, both of which must be constant at the steady state, I conclude that there indeed was a change in the steady state around the Great Depression. A new finding in this paper is that the U.S. economy in 1929 had a significant amount of excess capital stocks in light of the new steady state. For example, the productivity-detrended stock of structures in 1929 is almost three times as high as its postwar average. It is shown that there were increases in the relative prices of the capital goods during the period in question, which are about enough to account for the decline in the stocks of capital. Based on the numerical simulations of the neoclassical growth model, it is shown that the Great Depression is well explained as transitional dynamics to the new steady state.

6月 8日(木)4:50-6:30pm
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
宮川 努氏 Miyagawa, Tsutomu(学習院大学経済学部)
1990年代は、「失われた10年」と呼ばれるほど日本経済にとっては、長い低迷が続いた10年であった。最近になって、経済学の視点から、この長期にわたる低迷期を総括しようとする分析が現れている 。しかしながら、これらの分析の多くは、景気循環的な視点から日本経済の長期低迷を解釈しようと努めており、経済成長論的な視点から近年の日本経済を捉えた分析は少ない。しかし21世紀の日本経済の展望をする上で、成長論的な視角は不可欠である。本稿では、こうした問題意識から石油危機以降の日本経済の成長について、新たな資本ストックデータを用いて分析を行う。

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
渡辺 努氏(一橋大学経済研究所)
"Optimal monetary policy in a liquidity trap"

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
永瀬 伸子氏(お茶の水女子大学)


東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
板谷 淳一氏(北海道大学経済学部)
"Conjectural Variations and Public Good Provision in a Repeated Game Setting" (coauthored with Makoto Okamura)
The purpose of this paper is to show how conjectural variations can be derived as a reduced form in an infinitely repeated gave of private provision to public goods. We obtain explicit closed forms of conjectural variations associated with optimal equilibria in which the sum of the utilities of all community's members is maximized both for quadratic and Cobb-Douglas preference, provided that the resulting sequence of contributions can be sustained as a Nash (or subgame perfect) equilibrium in the corresponding repeated game. We also show that positive conjectural variations will emerge, as long as people place any weight at all on the future, and that those conjectures are positively related to the discount factor. In particular, since it turns out that the conjectural variations depend on individual income under Cobb-Douglas preferences, income redistribution across contributors will alter the aggregate provision of public goods, thus undermining Warr's neutrality theorem.

7月10日(月) ※ 臨時セミナー(Lunch セミナー)12:00-1:00pm
※ 曜日と時間にご注意下さい/応用統計ワークショップとのジョイントセミナー
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
"The Conditional Gauss-Marcov Theorem and Spurious Regressions" (coauthored with Chi-Young Choi)
The purpose of this paper is to study the exact finite sample properities of estimators and test statistics for regression coefficients of spurious regressions with unit root nonstationary variables. The conditional probability version of Gauss-Markow theorem is used to find efficient extimators in the time series sense. Then with an additional assumption that the error is normally distributed conditional on the regressors, we show that usual test statistics have usual unconditional on the regressors, we show that usual test statistics have usual unconditional distributions when the efficient estimator is used.

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
飯田 泰之(東京大学大学院経済学研究科)
「在庫投資とProduction Smoothing―季節性を用いた検証―」
在庫分析にとり理想的な環境を備える日本の通産省データにより、在庫のProduction Smoothing機能を検証する。先行研究の多くは生産と出荷、在庫投資の動きをその現象面からとらえて検証を行っているが、従来の方法はディマンドサイド・サプライサイドのショックが混在する状況では有効な結論をえられない場合がある。本稿ではよりモデルの持つ性質に注目し、需要・供給量ショックが同時に存在する場合にも検証可能な、新しいテスト方法を考案した。その準備として、HEGY法にしたがって各系列を予想可能な部分・不可能な部分へと分割し、Production Smoothing機能が成立している際の必要条件を検討する。その結果、在庫のProduction Smoothing機能に注目した。在庫のモデル化は現実の在庫動向の把握にとり有効ではないという結論が得られる。

宇南山 卓(東京大学大学院経済学研究科)

9月12日(火)12:00-1:30pm ※マイクロワークショップと共催/日時と場所にご注意下さい
東京大学経済学部7階 第一共同研究室
at the meeting room no.1 on the 7th floor of Econ. Building
Michael Knetter (Dartmouth University)
"Macroeconomic Factors and Antidumping Fillings: Evidence from Four Countries"

10月10日(火)4:50-6:30pm ※ マイクロワークショップと共催、報告は日本語で行われます。
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ.Building
Mark Ramseyer氏(Harvard Law School / CIRJE, University of Tokyo)
"Banks and Economic Growth: Implications from Japanese History" (co-author: Yoshiro Miwa, University of Tokyo)
In the 1950s and 60s, Alexander Gerschenkron claimed that banks facilitate economic growth among "backward" countries. In 1990s and 2000s, many theorists similarly claim that banks promote growth. Banks do so by their superior monitoring and screening capabilities, they reason. Through those capabilities, banks reduce informational asymmetries and the attendent moral hazard and adverse selection, and thereby improve the allocation of credit. As a fast-growth but allegedly bank-centered economy, Japan plays an important part in these discussions of finance and growth. In early 20th century Japan firms relied heavily on bank debt, observers argue. Those firms with preferential access to debt outperformed the others, and those that were part of the zaibatsu corporate groups obtained that preferential access through their affiliated banks. With data from the first half of the century, we ask whether Japanese banks performed the roles Gerschenkron and modern theorists assign them. Notwithstanding the usual accounts, we find that they did not. Japan was not a bank-centered economy; instead, firms relied overwhelmingly on equity finance. It was not an economy where firms with access to bank credit outperformed their rivals; instead, firms earned no advantage from such access. And it was not a world where the zaibatsu manipulated their banks to favor affiliated firms; instead, zaibatsu banks loaned affiliated firms little more (if any) than the deposits those firms had made with the banks. During the first half of the last century, Japanese firms obtained almost all their funds through decentralized, competitive capital markets.

10月12日(木)4:50pm-6:30pm ※ マイクロワークショップと共催
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
神取 道宏(東京大学大学院経済学研究科)
"Fluctuations and Potential in Search Equilibrium"
We try to extend the theory of coordination failure by constructing a model with rational expectations equilibrium that stochastically visits multiple steady states. We take a prime example of the coordination failure models, Diamond[1982, JPE], where search externalities in trading process create multiple steady states, and construct its finite population version. The finiteness of population implies aggregate randomness due to stochastic arrival of production and trading opportunities, and as a result the economy fluctuates over the multiple steady states in the long run. We define the notion of potential and show that the relative stability of each state can be captured by the value of its potential. In particular, we show that among the multiple steady states identified by Diamond the one that maximizes the potential is selected, as the population size tends to infinity. Such a characterization has been known for what is called a reversible stochastic process. Our model violates the condition for reversibility, but we show that the long run behavior of the system can nevertheless be described approximately by a potential function.

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
玉井 義浩(東京大学大学院経済学研究科)
"Price Rigidity in Durable Goods Monopoly"
 This paper studies the price rigidity in durable goods market with a monopolistic firm and heterogeneous consumers whose reservation values for the durable goods is heterogeneous. Product life of one brand prolongs for multiple periods and is finite, but the firms introduces a new brand at the end of each brand's product life.
 Because of intertemporal substitution of demand for the durable goods, the firm has an strong incentive to predetermine the price sequence for its whole product life. Though the firm also has an incentive to renege the pledge ex post, the firm sticks to the pledge if the firm will introduce new products into the market and considers the long-run profit of keeping credibility of the pledge. Moreover, the pledge is kept even after the unanticipated change in market or technological condition has happened.
 High degree of marginal cost increasing strengthen the credibility of the firm's price pledge, but it may weaken the robustness of the pledge toward unanticipated cost/demand change. In spite of this, the pledge is robust to about 10 percent of demand fluctuation if the degree of marginal cost increasing is mild.

10月26日(木)4:50pm- ※マイクロワークショップと共催
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
松山 公紀(Northwestern University)
"Financial Market Globalization and Endogenous Inequality of Nations"
This paper analyzes the effects of financial market globalization on the cross-country pattern of development in the world economy. To this end, it develops a dynamic macroeconomic model of imperfect credit markets, in which the investment becomes borrowing-constrained at the lower stage of development. In the absence of the international financial market, the world economy converges to the symmetric steady state, and the cross-country difference disappears in the long run. In the presence of the international financial market, the symmetric steady state could lose its stability, in which case the cross-country distribution of the capital stocks is concentrated into two mass points in every stable steady state. The symmetry-breaking caused by unrestricted flows of financial capital leads to a polarization of the world economy into the rich and the poor. The model thus demonstrates the possibility that financial market globalization may cause, or at least magnify, inequality of nations, and the international financial market is a mechanism through which some countries become rich at the expense of others. The model suggests that the poor countries cannot jointly escape from the poverty trap by merely cutting their links to rich countries. Nor would foreign aids to the poor eliminate the inequalities; as in a game of musical chairs, some countries must be excluded from being rich.

11月 2日(木)4:50pm-
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
畑農 鋭矢(千葉大学教育学部)

11月 9日(木)4:50pm-
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
北川 章臣(大阪府立大学経済学部)

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
三井 清(明治学院大学経済学部)


11月27日(月)12:00-1:00pm ※brown bagセミナー:時間と場所にご注意下さい。
東京大学経済学部7階 第一共同研究室
at the meeting room no.1 on the 7th floor of Econ. Building
青木 正直(UCLA/CIRJE)・吉川 洋(東京大学経済学部)
A New Model of Economic Fluctuations

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building

12月 7日(木)4:50pm-
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
外谷英樹 (名古屋市立大学経済学部)
"Current Account and Demographic Structure: Theory and Cross Country Evidence"(二神孝一・桃田朗との共同論文)
This paper explores how demographic structure affects the international lending and borrowing in a two country model of an overlapping generations and endogenous growth. The theoretical model predicts that a country with high birth and death rates becomes a debtor country and runs a current account deficit, and vice versa. It is shown that a cross-country empirical evidence supports the prediction. We also find from the empirical evidence that it is the demographic structure of a country, rather than population growth rate, that significantly affects international asset positions of the country.

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
"Nonparametric Identification of Supply and Demand Shocks"
This paper presents a nonparametric methodology for clarifying the sources of business cycle fluctuations by estimating sharp bounds on supply and demand shocks. In existing modeling approaches the estimated supply and demand shocks depend upon the specification of both functional forms for the structural relationships, and distributions for the disturbances. In contrast, the methodology below does not require explicit specification of these elements of the model. The only assumptions needed for estimation are (1) upward-sloping supply and downward-sloping demand curves, and (2) information on the median (or some other statistic) of the disturbances. This methodology thus avoids introducing model specification issues into the problem of estimating shocks. The approach is applied to the estimation of postwar supply and demand shocks in the US, using panel data on consumption goods.

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
4:50-5:30pm 別所 俊一郎
5:35-6:15pm 片山 健太郎
"Voting Effect on Policy-Making with Public Information"

東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
4:50-5:30pm 菅野 守
「Output-Inflation Tradeoffについての更なる実証分析―不完全情報モデルとmenu costsモデルとの対比」
5:35-6:15pm 寺井 晃
"Human Capital Economic Growth"
6:20-7:00pm 古賀 麻衣子

2月 1日(木)4:00pm-6:55pm
東京大学経済学部5階 視聴覚教育研究室
at the audiovisual room on the 5th floor of Econ. Building
4:00-4:40pm 近藤 任
4:45-5:25pm 高松 聡子
"Study of Open Macro Economy"
5:30-6:10pm 趙 宛秋
6:15-6:55pm 吉本 元