CIRJE-J-247 『災害と住宅問題』
"Natural Disasters and the Housing Problem in Japan"
Author Name

国友直人 (Naoto Kunitomo)

Date June 2013
Full Paper PDF file (only Japanese version available)
Remarks 「災害と住宅問題:東日本大震災からの教訓」,2013, 経済学論集(東京大学経済学部), Vol.79-1, pp.2-19 掲載。
Abstract (Japanese) Abstract (English)

2011.3.11に発生した東日本大震災では直後に 応急仮設住宅の建設問題がマスメディアなどで大きく取りあげられた。 住宅建設の経緯を振り返るとともに将来の自然災害時への 教訓と災害時の対応についての議論をまとめた。 統計的極値論を利用した災害への対策も議論した。


   We have several lessons from the recent "Higashi-Nihon-Daisinsai," a big earthquaqe and Tsunami occurred in 2011.3.11. After the last natural dissaster, the central and local governments asked the Housing Companies to make a large number of temporary houses within two-to-three months. We review that events and evaluate what had happened then critically. We point out several issues including the possible use of statistical extreme valyue theory on the housing problem with possible natural dissasters.