CIRJE-F-688 "Conditional and Unconditional Methods for Selecting Variables in Linear Mixed Models"
Author Name Kubokawa, Tatsuya
Date November 2009
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Remarks @Subsequently published in Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 102, Issue 3, 641-660 2011.

In the problem of selecting the explanatory variables in the linear mixed model, we address the derivation of the (unconditional or marginal) Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the conditional AIC (cAIC). The covariance matrices of the random effects and the error terms include unknown parameters like variance components, and the selection procedures proposed in the literature are limited to the cases that the parameters are known or partly unknown. In this paper, AIC and cAIC are extended to the situation that the parameters are completely unknown and they are estimated by the general consistent estimators including the maximum likelihood (ML), the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and other unbiased estimators. Related to AIC and cAIC, we derive the marginal and the conditional prediction error criteria which select superior models in light of minimizing the prediction errors relative to quadratic loss functions. Finally, numerical performances of the proposed selection procedures are investigated through simulation studies.