CIRJE-J-153 『世紀転換期のイギリスにおけるドイツ都市政策・都市行政認識――T・C・ホースフォールに焦点を当てて――』
"The British perception of German urban system and policy at the turn of the 20th century:An example of T.C.Horsfall"
Author Name 馬場哲(Satoshi Baba)
Date March 2006
Full Paper  
Remarks 『19世紀末〜20世紀初頭のイギリスにおけるドイツ都市計画・都市行政認識とその背景(1)(2)−マンチェスターのT.C.ホースフォールの場合』と改題、『経済学論集』第72巻第2号(2006年7 月)2-17ページ、同第72巻第3号(2006年10月)、69-81ページに掲載。
Abstract (Japanese) Abstract (English)

At the turn of the 20th century Germany had much influences on Britain in the various areas (social insurance, the education system and town planning). At the same time, Britain had also exported the concept of Garden City to other countries including Germany. Indeed, this was a period in which international exchange on town planning became vigorous. The paper focuses on the perception of T.C.Horsfall of the German urban system and policy, and tries to compare with the urban policy in Frankfurt on the Main under F.Adickes and his theory on town planning. The conclusions are as follows: (1) ideas and thoughts of Adickes and Horsfall on urban system and town planning had a lot in common. Horsfall was supposed not to be inspired by German urban system, but rather to propose its introduction simply because he found some ideal elements in the German system. (2) there was however a great distance between the real German urban system and the English perception. The British perception of German urban system and policy was quite selective. Nevertheless it had actually influences on the town planning movement in Britain at that period.