CIRJE-J-150 『戦間期日本の銀行間ネットワークと金融システム』
"Role of Inter-bank Networks in the Pre-war Japanese Financial System"
Author Name 岡崎哲二(Tetsuji Okazaki)
澤田充(Michiru Sawada)
Date March 2006
Full Paper PDF file (only Japanese version available)
Remarks 猪木武徳編『戦間期日本の社会集団とネットワーク』NTT出版、2008年 所収。  
Abstract (Japanese) Abstract (English)

In this paper we identify networks among banks in pre-war Japan based on director interlocking data, and explore their implications. It was found that nearly 60% of banks had interlocking ties with at least one other bank. The large regional banks tended to have many interlocking ties. One of the effects of the inter-bank networks was reducing the probability of bank failure. This result is consistent with the descriptive evidences that banks supported a bank in the same network through supplying liquidity, in case it was faced with liquidity shortage. At the same time, a bank tended to choose a bank in the same network as a counterpart of consolidation, which suggests that inter-bank networks lowered the coordination cost of consolidation.