CIRJE-J-102 『原発費用の裁量的決定とValue Relevance』
"Discretionary Determination and Value Relevance of Accrual Expenses incurred by Nuclear Power Plant"
Author Name 大日方隆(Takashi Obinata)
Date February 2004
Full Paper PDF file (only Japanese version available)
Abstract (Japanese) Abstract (English)

この研究は、原発稼働から生じる廃炉費用と核燃料の再処理費用について、年々の費用がいかなる 誘因にもとづいて裁量的に決定されているのか、それぞれの裁量的費用はvalue relevant であるのかを 検証したものである。第1 に、年度の再処理費用は、利益の不確実な変動を平準化するように裁量的 に測定されているのにたいして、年度の廃炉費用は利益平準化には利用されていない。かりに費用の 期間配分のパターンが、利益平準化目的で裁量的に決められているとすれば、費用の裁量的増加(利 益の先送り)は、将来の業績悪化を投資家に推測させるであろう。第2 に、その仮説と整合的に、裁 量的再処理費用はvalue relevant であり、それにかかる係数はマイナスであった。さらに、再処理費用 の裁量的増加は、翌年の営業利益とマイナスの関係にあった。このように、裁量的再処理費用の relevance は、その規定誘因および将来業績の予測能力と整合的であることが判明した。第3 に、廃炉 費用と再処理費用は利益の質を低下させておらず、費用を裁量的に測定することが会計情報の有用性 を低めるという証拠は得られなかった。

This research focuses on the decommissioning cost and the recycle cost of used nuclear fuel, which are incurred by nuclear power plant. We examine what incentive factors affect the discretionary measurement of those expenses in the year and investigate whether the discretionary components are value relevant. First, the recycle expenses in the year is discretionally determined in order to smooth the uncertain fluctuations in operating profits, while the decommissioning expenses is not utilized for income smoothing. If some accruals were discretionally allocated inter-period for the purpose of income smoothing, the discretionary increase in those accruals (i.e. savings of earnings in current period) would communicate the manager's pessimistic forecasts on the performance to investors. Second, as consistent with the above hypothesis, the discretionary recycle expenses is value relevant and the coefficient on them is negative. Moreover, it is negatively related to the one-year ahead operating profits. These evidences imply that the value relevance of the recycle expenses is consistently estimated with the determinants and the predictive power of future performance. Third, both the decommissioning expenses and the recycle expenses do not deteriorate the quality of earnings. We cannot find the evidence supporting the repeated criticism that the opportunity to measure expenses based on managerial discretion must diminish the usefulness of accounting information.