CIRJE-J-78 『製品アーキテクチャの 概念・測定・戦略に関するノート』
"A Note on the Concepts, Measurements, and Strategies of Product Architecture"
Author Name 藤本隆宏(Takahiro Fujimoto)
Date June 2002
Full Paper  
Remarks 岩波書店『日本の産業と設計思想』所収。
Abstract (Japanese) Abstract (English)

製品のアーキテクチャ(基本設計思想)という概念を経営戦略に応用する際の 基本概念、およびアーキテクチャ測定の問題を考察する。まず、アーキテクチ ャの基本概念と基本分類(インテグラル型、モジュラー型、クローズ型、オー プン型など)、およびアーキテクチャの階層性と連続性(スペクトル性)につい て論じる。また、アーキテクチャのインテグラル/モジュラ 度の測定問題を 考察する。次に、この概念を経営戦略に適用し、アーキテクチャと組織能力の 適合関係、アーキテクチャの両面戦略、位置取り(ポジショニング)戦略、組 み合わせ(ポートフォリオ)戦略等を説明する。

This exploratory paper deals with some basic concepts of architectural strategy, or application of the concept of architecture to strategic management, as well as the issue of measuring architecture. First, the paper discusses definitions and types of product architecture, including integral, modular, closed, and open types. It also points out hierarchical and continuous (spectrum) nature of product architecture, and discusses the issue of how to measure architecture. The paper then applies the concept of architecture to strategic management. The topics selected here include the fit between architecture and organizational capability, dual architectural strategy, architectural positioning strategy, and architectural portfolio strategy.
"Spontaneousness" in the System is so unique because it is presented the historical evidence both support and criticism in Free Banking Theory. In this analysis, it is proved "Spontaneousness" is not the supporting evidence but the criticizing evidence in F.B.T. as the regional Central Banking making trial movement against the instability of financial order.