CIRJE-J-44. Oh Je-Wheon and Takahiro Fujimoto, "Electronic Procurement networks and Parts Transaction Systems: A Case of the Automobile Industry", February 2001.

Inter-firm information systems in the automobile industry have evolved from firm-specific networks to industrial standard networks and further to internet. This paper examines how electronic parts procurement systems in the automobile industry affected its patterns of inter-firm transactions through empirical studies on information networks, transaction systems, and architectural characteristics of automobile parts. We argue that choice of a certain parts transaction system tends to affect choice of the mode of information system that might best fit the transaction information between the firms. Conversely, once a particular type of information is chosen, the mode of information exchanges, patterns of competitions between suppliers and transaction systems would also be changed.

In this way, inter-firm information systems, transaction patterns, and architectures of the pars co-evolve through dynamic interactions among them.